Bookmark deh ini, tinggal nunggu bounty sosial media aja gan mantep nih kayaknya, semoga cepet keluar gan
sya gak pham twitter bounty nya, msak cman follow lngsung dpat bounty tanpa apa apa gtu......
btw yang post bounty campain nya orang indonesia kyaknya....
Iya emang Indo gan, tapi cara daftarnya yang ribet
disuruh daftar di web trus kontak dev katanya
ini kata devnya
At this moment i dont have much time to respind, but i enjoy all of your questions and look forward to explaining them to you! Seems like some of you are interested in the technical aspects of this project, I am excited to explain how we will handle these challenges. Please wait for an update tonight.
P E K K A, i have accepted your submission, i will be in-touch shortly! Everything will make more sense shortly, thanks for your patience!
gan PEKKA, untuk spreatsheet nya tidak ada ya gan? bagi mereka yang sudah pernah daftar bounty twitter dan signature nya.
apa hanya ini nama dan email saja, terus pilih salah satu twitter atau signature saja,.
terima kasih
Spreadsheet belum ada gan
ini kata dev gan
yang udah daftar trus pm udah di acc
At this moment i dont have much time to respind, but i enjoy all of your questions and look forward to explaining them to you! Seems like some of you are interested in the technical aspects of this project, I am excited to explain how we will handle these challenges. Please wait for an update tonight.
P E K K A, i have accepted your submission, i will be in-touch shortly! Everything will make more sense shortly, thanks for your patience!