That's why we are starting business in Switzerland, where FINMA somehow regulates the crypto and the transactions.
Yes, there are some problems with Diamonds. Banks don't like them, cause it takes time to evaluate them correctly. The scale of Rapaport is big enough so the escrow fees differ. For small stones we pay, for bigger stones some banks ready to pay themselves to us, if stones are extraordinally or they are interested in them to enhance their portfolio. That's why we are mixing diamonds with gold, cause banks like gold very much.
For the first steps Gold will be stored in Swiss banks (UBS and Credit Suisse), diamonds will be at Santander and JP Morgan. They are more interested in storing diamonds in their vaults. At the next steps Swiss banks will be ready to go with diamonds, when Gold & Diamonds SA (New company for GID Coin) will get good profile with gold.
The plan is to tokenize diamonds and gold, put the underlying diamonds and gold in escrow, generate a certificate and let the tokens trade freely on the market?
Yes, correct. If you can check the WP – you see the plan-scheme and formula of working: ½ of funds are always in operations. Another ½ secured in vaults as a back up of the token. Real business is working, annually brings new assets to the vault, company makes revealing of secured products and the price of it on quarterly, then monthly basis. So everyone knows how much Coin costs. Additional value to the Coin can be given by high demand or speculation of exchanges. Btw, everyone know the real price of Coin
Certificates aren't as beautiful as the diamonds themselves