ZeroState Blockchain is a blockchain with a built-in Turing-complete programming language that will include the ZeroAccount contract account with all the permissions to create smart contracts by analogy with Ethereum (state contracts) for a certain fee on request of a network member. The fee will be transferred to the ZeroState account as a service fee and it will not exceed 10 ZSCoin. Such contracts will be standard and will be created for ZeroState advertisers. State contracts will operate the corresponding addresses with frozen balances. Addresses of state contracts will be able to receive transactions from advertisers to credit the balance, as well as to make transactions in accordance with the ZeroAccount instructions to the address specified by ZeroAccount. Thus, state contracts will be created by ZeroAccount that will receive a record from advertisers (local node) specifying data on the value of a state, its number, as well as basic transaction data on the fee. The state will be generated by the advertiser beforehand via the ZeroState app that will assign it a unique state identifier. After a transaction from an advertiser, ZeroAccount will create a corresponding state contract that in the future will obtain data from ZeroAccount on accounts that should be paid ZSCoin (with their amount originally entered in the contract) from the contract balance.
ZeroAccount will use the ZeroState servers as a data source to obtain data on the existing states and reviews. ZeroAccount will be able to receive information on the state identifier and reviews.
In ZeroAccount, each cycle of new block creation accesses the server data to collect information on state reviews, state identifier and accounts that wrote a state review. After the data are correlated, ZeroAccount will send a command to a specific state contract with information about the accounts it
needs to transfer ZSCoin tokens to. The price of a state review is included into the state contract at the time of its preparation. ZeroAccount commands, as well as transactions between accounts, get to a block of the ZeroState Blockchain.
The hashed reviews will be included into a block of the ZeroState Blockchain by a ZeroAccount transaction sent to the address of a specific state contract. Thus, if a state is changed in the ZeroState application, any network member will be able to check the state for conformity with the hash in the block of the ZeroState Blockchain.