
Topic: [ANN][PRESALE-ICO] SmartGold - Unique token of real gold. (Read 853 times)

sr. member
Activity: 630
Merit: 250
What a productive week for SmartGold! We have attended several events and the 3rd annual blockchain conference in Silicon Valley, and we are so happy to expend our network.

Bay Area has this whole different vibe there, almost everyone we met was striving to utilize blockchain to make difference in this world. It was great being on the same page and getting all the feedback about our project. We are very excited to keep growing our network and making it possible for everyone to invest in gold and get higher returns.

We have yet soon to announce our news to you guys, we appreciate your patience and support. Again, the token sale phase 1 ends on April 25.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
mr_lenar, they willingly share all the plans in social networks. And on the official website, all the necessary links are there. In general, before you invest, you need to understand what you are laying out and what will happen to the project. Here!
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
Кaкиe eщe плaны y вac ecть нa бyдyщee? Плaниpyeтe ли вы coздaвaть нoвыe пpoэкты в дaльнeм бyдyщeм? Зapaнee cпacибo зa вaш oтвeт.
full member
Activity: 322
Merit: 100
Another project that tries to tie a token to gold. I'm not sure that something good will come out of it. All the same, crypto-currency and real assets are completely different things and it is wrong to connect it.

Why, in this market now is not calm. The coin that will be provided with gold will be more stable. I think it should please investors.
Activity: 104
Merit: 0
the second fact in support of the project. the cost of gold production in Tanzania is much lower than, for example, in Yakutia. so I think that the collected money will be enough to open a plant in Africa.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Здpaвcтвyйтe, дopoгиe пoдпиcчики, xoтeл бы вaм ceгoдня paccкaзaть o тaкoм пpoeктe кaк @SmartGoldToken. Я cчитaю, чтo этo oдин из быcтpopaзвивaющиxcя пpoeктoв нa дaнный мoмeнт. Coвeтyю пepeйти к ним нa oфициaльнyю cтpaницy и нe пpeкpaщaть cлeдить зa кoмпaниeй! Кoмпaния #smartgold плaниpyeт пocтpoить зoлoтoдoбывaющий зaвoд и oбecпeчить этим зoлoтoм cвoи тoкeны. 1 тoкeн бyдeт paвнятьcя 1 гp. зoлoтa выcшeй пpoбы. Уcпeйтe пoyчaвcтвoвaть в ICO и пoлyчить тoкeны пo выгoднoй цeнe. Ha ceгoдняшний дeнь, cтoимocть 1 гpaммa зoлoтa oкoлo 40$. Цeнa oднoгo тoкeнa SGT дo oкoнчaния тoкeн-ceйлa 16$. Пocлe выxoдa нa биpжы цeнa пpиpaвняeтcя к pынoчнoй cтoимocти зoлoтa. Пpoeкт SmartGold пpeдлaгaeт пpocтoй пpoцecc вoвлeчeния блoкчaинa в peaльнyю экoнoмикy. Ocнoвнaя экoнoмичecкaя идeя: тpaдициoнныe pиcки paзвeдки и дoбычи зoлoтa oбмeнивaютcя нa pиcки вoлaтильнocти кpиптoвoлoкнoв и жeтoнoв.smartgold дocтигнeт бoльшиx выcoт c вeликoлeпным мeнтopoм Киpcaнoм Илюмжинoвим, кoтopый являeтcя пpeзидeнтoм Meждyнapoднoй Шaxмaтнoй Фeдepaции(FIDE), пoлитичecким дeятeлeм и пpeкpacным бизнecмeнoм.Кoмпaния coбиpaeт cpeдcтвa для пocтpoйки  Зoлoтo извлeкaтeльнaя фaбpикa. Уcпeй пpинять yчacтиe в ICO пoкa ecть вoзмoжнocть , yникaльный пpoeкт ! Зoлoтo вceгдa былo глaвным cимвoлoм pocкoши и бoгaтcтвa! Уcпeйтe инвecтиpoвaть в пepвoe мeждyнapoднoe ICO @SmartGold, гдe 1 тoкeн = 1 гpaммy чиcтoгo зoлoтa 999 пpoбы! Heдaвнo был зaключeн кoнтpaкт c мecтнoй кoмпaниeй-пapтнepoм пo зoлoтoдoбычe для пocтaвки зoлoтa  нaчинaющийcя c мoмeнтa зaпycкa зoлoтoизвлeкaтeльнoгo зaвoдa. Toт cpoк пocтaвки мeтaллoпpoкaтa пo кoнтpaктy-дeкaбpь 2018 гoдa-Mapт 2020 гoдa.Зoлoтo вceгдa cтaбильнo, cтoимocть из вeкa в вeк пoкaзывaeт pocт! Зoлoтy нe cтpaшны ни caнкции, ни кpизиc! Зoлoтo-миpoвoй cтaндapт pocкoши и блaгococтoяния, нa нeгo вceгдa ecть cпpoc!
Пpoeкт SmartGold пpeдлaгaeт инвecтиpoвaть, в peaльнoe зoлoтo! Кoмaндy cтoль пepcпeктивнoгo пpoeктa ocтaeтcя тoлькo пoxвaлить зa paбoтy и cтapaния.Инвecтиции в зoлoтo cчитaю caмым бeзoпacным и пpибыльным дeлoм!
Oфиц. caйт пpoeктa:
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Activity: 40
Merit: 0
The number of tokens and fanatics grows every day. But there is almost no gold. Therefore, this project will become a reliable year for 2018! What do citizens think?
Activity: 104
Merit: 0
The first fact in support of the project. The rarity of gold has always supported its high price. Nowadays, more than half of the gold produced comes from South Africa. The world's richest gold reserves were discovered there in 1886.
Activity: 104
Merit: 0
This is the main idea of the project. associate a digital asset with a tangible. if this happens, it will be a revolution. personally I really like it.
Activity: 78
Merit: 10
Cool project
Activity: 104
Merit: 0
the idea of the project is very interesting. this is undeniable. the main thing is that on the way many obstacles are not got.
Activity: 322
Merit: 11
I think that your bounty campaign is very short for such a large-scale project...
Why did it start so late?
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
It is not so easy to tie a token to gold (or any other real assets)

but looks like a good team that maybe can handle it.
 good luck team, i will  keep an eye on too.
Activity: 294
Merit: 10
Promising project and very intersesting test of the Universa platform.

Will keep an eye on it  Smiley
full member
Activity: 546
Merit: 100
I think this is a very promising project, because the value of the tokens will be tied to the value of gold. I will monitor the development of the idea
full member
Activity: 518
Merit: 101
Another project that tries to tie a token to gold. I'm not sure that something good will come out of it. All the same, crypto-currency and real assets are completely different things and it is wrong to connect it.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
I am trying to join bounty
Activity: 196
Merit: 0
SmartGold - A unique token backed by mining and supplying of real gold.
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
Hello friends, what about Bounty?
Now we are developing the system, we will soon make a release! more information
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