and ICO have been postponed in light of the SEC announcements. We will wait for their guidance before continuing.
Acumen Network is the world’s first global, decentralized patent system. Acumen seeks to decentralize the patent system and put the power back into the hands of the people. Using the power of the blockchain and smart contracts, the Acumen Network allows for verdicts to be made by the reputable members of the community while driving prices down. The community can also reject patents that aren’t being sold or developed to combat patent trolls which currently plague our IP system. The dream of the Acumen Network team is to help build a future where the intellectual property system is a fully democratic global system in which an inventor only has to file once and have their intellectual property protected in all countries.
Stage 1: Establish user base and credibility
We will serve as a place for freelance patent attorneys to find jobs and develop our expert network. We will continue to improve our blockchain backend and the user experience. We will be creating pseudo-patents on the Acumen Network(this is to provide evidence that the technology is sound for Stage 2).
Stage 2: Amend applicable patents acts around the world (U.S. PATENT ACT (35 USC) for example)
This Act establishes the USPTO and grants the office the power to issue legally binding patents. We will need to amend this to instead grant these powers to the Acumen Network. The rest of the sections of this act outline the requirements for a patent, the types of patents, and the guidelines for proving patent infringement. These will still be applicable under the Acumen Network. Additionally, this act grants the USPTO the power to find its own accredited examiners to ensure the requirements are met. This power will also apply to the Acumen Network and by using identity verification we will use a network of accredited examiners. Acumen Network meets all the requirements established under this act.
Stage 3: Reform judicial system to include community consensus
This is a heftier goal as it includes many more changes. We plan to change how the judicial system examines patent infringement cases to ensure that patent trolls are eradicated and small companies prosper. This will require essentially using the traditional court system only for appeals and using community consensus to hear patent infringement cases. This community consensus will essentially be a large-scale and remote jury for civil patent cases. Currently criminal cases have juries so that people can be sentenced by their peers, however this doesn't work for patents since they are too complicated for regular people to understand. Under the Acumen Network, the jury will a network of accredited lawyers and engineers that have the knowledge required to hear these cases.
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