apropos achievement:
When we will have the first developer version of the FINANCECLOUD API DEVICE
(~end of June) we are starting to integrate our partnercoins (for now (Mooncoin, Bitsend, Bitcore, OKcash, and DMD).
I feel PesetaCoin should have a place there too.
Some info about the Financecloud:
have fun
Thanks!! That would be awesome!!
You're making a great job!! FINANCECLOUD API DEVICE sounds like a real breakthrough towards mainstream adoption.
Having Peseta included would be an honor!!!
btw, have you think about licensing the product to a big company which can build millions per year.
I mean, code is yours and that won't change (guess it will be close code).
You keep working on the updates (giving ERC a high priority position: First in every list, your logo once it's opens, etc)(so people can see it's been developed by you)
But a big company (let's say samsung, intel, whatever which can build million boxes per year) builds and distributes the device.
You negotiate to keep % of the revenue and the posibility to change the manufacturer if something goes wrong(I'm not an expert in licensing, but one could help you get a good deal)
This way you won't have to deal with the logistics neither manufacturing and you keep working on what you do best, coding.
This will also help the device go mainstream faster
Our code will be open source (i am a 100% open source show)
But we are building Gateways (Forex, Gold,Silver, Mircocredits and Taxpayment). They are making us a "gateway-provider".
We can deliver direct crypto access to ALL fiat currencies worldwide, asset markets and government funding for startups.
So far the main business model. I feel even if the code is open source, people who intend to fork, are lacking the infrastructure.
It would need nearly a year to replace this with own gateways. Therefore if somebody forks us, he forks our business at the same time and promotes us.
But i have some ideas about licensing. The hardware platform for example has our own mainboard with our container encryption chip.
So i would be interested to have a chat about this (June would be good, because we are then knowing some more details )
have fun