Because hard-cap was changed at the request of the community if I remember correctly.
2.8M Tokens were to be equal to 2% so that means total amount would have been 140M
Whereas it is only 60M so 2% of 60M is 1.2M
Even so, regardless, this is literally the highest reward ever awarded for a bounty at over $2M dollars... and that’s not even taking into account neither price appreciation or the fact that if you keep the tokens you receive further ones on top of them..
ini saya dapat dari telegram. disitu karena ada perubahan hardcap makanya alokasi untuk token juga berubah. jadi total alokasi token untuk campaign pundix sekitar 1.205.180 PXS. jadi bukan dipotong melainkan karena ada perubahan hardcap. kalau kata "dipotong" kesannya nanti jadi negatif.
walah kok bisa gitu ya, kok gak dari awal aja mereka bilang kalau hardcap nya 60 juta token bukan 140 juta token, ane jadi bingung liat project pundi x ini, gak ada transparan nya