I need help on the Android Wallet App for Riecoin. Trying to Find parameters for some of the following:
proofOfWorkLimit = Utils.decodeCompactBits(0x1d00ffffL); //help
dumpedPrivateKeyHeader = 128;
addressHeader = 60;
p2shHeader = 5;
acceptableAddressCodes = new int[] { addressHeader, p2shHeader };
port = 28332;
packetMagic = 0xfcbcb2dbL;
genesisBlock.setDifficultyTarget(0x1d00ffffL); //help
subsidyDecreaseBlockCount = 840000;
spendableCoinbaseDepth = 100;
String genesisHash = genesisBlock.getHashAsString();
checkState(genesisHash.equals("e1ea18d0676ef9899fbc78ef428d1d26a2416d0f0441d46668d33bcb41275740"), //help --NEED confirmation
// This contains (at a minimum) the blocks which are not BIP30 compliant. BIP30 changed how duplicate
// transactions are handled. Duplicated transactions could occur in the case where a coinbase had the same
// extraNonce and the same outputs but appeared at different heights, and greatly complicated re-org handling.
// Having these here simplifies block connection logic considerably.
checkpoints.put(91722, new Sha256Hash("00000000000271a2dc26e7667f8419f2e15416dc6955e5a6c6cdf3f2574dd08e")); //help- How do I know which one in RIC are non-BIP30 compliant.
checkpoints.put(91812, new Sha256Hash("00000000000af0aed4792b1acee3d966af36cf5def14935db8de83d6f9306f2f"));
checkpoints.put(91842, new Sha256Hash("00000000000a4d0a398161ffc163c503763b1f4360639393e0e4c8e300e0caec"));
checkpoints.put(91880, new Sha256Hash("00000000000743f190a18c5577a3c2d2a1f610ae9601ac046a38084ccb7cd721"));
checkpoints.put(200000, new Sha256Hash("000000000000034a7dedef4a161fa058a2d67a173a90155f3a2fe6fc132e0ebf"));
//help BADLY dnsSeeds = new String[] {
"seed.bitcoin.sipa.be", // Pieter Wuille
"dnsseed.bluematt.me", // Matt Corallo
"dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org", // Luke Dashjr
"seed.bitcoinstats.com", // Chris Decker
I marked the parameters I need help in with //help
Fortunately all blocks are and will be BIP30 compatible because the "enforce BIP30" option is on by default since the first RIC release. The only checkpoint that you need is the one at 4000 (see checkpoints.cpp). I'll add more for the next release but it's not mandatory that you include them.
Regarding the genesis block hash, e1ea18d0676ef9899fbc78ef428d1d26a2416d0f0441d46668d33bcb41275740 is correct
For the genesis block, difficulty should be 304, which is 0x02013000 when packed (there is no concept of "target" on RIC, only the difficulty).
The nonce for the genesis block is 0. The genesis is a special case: it's the only block that doesn't have primes. This saved me the trouble of mining it.
You can leave dnsSeeds empty and then add some nodes manually.
If you uploaded the code to github or something, I could help you with some of these details
Different question Gatra,
I noticed that in main.cpp, nBits= MinPrimeSize.GetCompact();
How would I put this is android code?