If there is some bounty, i can make a lot more 3D design
50 RIC on my end for a redesign of logo.
I like our logo, but if the majority speaks I'll agree to change it.
Please consider that 3D is not always better than 2D!
well... the Riemann zeta function is actually 4D... (C->C ie 2D->2D) but can be represented in two 3D graphics...
Also consider that besides the logo I'll need the splash screen for the QT wallet, the icons in many sizes, the drawing for the left of the "about riecoin" window, the vertical banner for the windows installer, and the horizontal banner like this one: http://www.riecoin.org/logo_riecoin_png.png
Yea..I don't mind the logo right now but I think it can be improved. But that is not as important right now as getting a 2nd, 3rd, etc.. pool up and running for Riecoin.