LIVE Beijing Conference June 22, 2017: English Translation 2 hours ago * by miaharles
Me and my partner are going to do English play by play here. Tickets were around 570 each, so if you found this helpful , please donate.
2:10 Checked in. Around 100 guests attending so far. Conference should officially start in 20 mins.
2:30 Conference started. Currently in the Microsoft Beijing Office Lobby. Just introductions so far. The video trailer they played before the conference was quite impressive and in English.
2:32 srikanth Raju is speaking in English. You guys are good for this part. Big point: Microsoft believes in a heterogeneous Blockchain environment for Azure. Mentioned Ethereum specifically coexisting with antshares.
2:41 Skipped Jiang Li, Microsoft senior consultant's section for some reason.
2:45 Feng han is talking about the rise of alipay and transactions becoming electronic. Believes that full automation is the next step. Alibaba is still only half automated in their logistics. Huawei is interested in building smart cities, and will need blockchain. Note: they aren't announcing a partnership. Just talking about it.
2:51 Feng han talking about current internet infrastructure not being safe for the futures smart infrastructure. Then talked about a class offered by a genius cryptography professor, wangxiaoyun at tsinghua. Made a joke about 300x returns since ICO.
2:57 Hongfei Da. Talking about bitcoin and history of crypto. Now talking about founding of Antshares. Discussing dBFT and consensus briefly. Now talking about ICO. State of AntShares: 432 nodes, 1058300 blocks, main env running for 150 days. 352 stars on GitHub. LOL talking about this subreddit specifically now. Coinmarketcap ranking.
All assets will be digitized. Two categories: 1. Proof of existence is on the blockchain. 2. Off chain physical assets like IDs, bikeshare locks, intellectual property.
Spirit of blockchain isn't decentralization. It is transparency and fairness via publicly agreed upon rules and data.
Mantra: digital asset + digital ID + smart contract = smart economy.
REBRANDING: NEO smart economy. Green logo
Neo contracts with C#, Java/kotlin, python, go
NeoX is like an interledger protocol
NeoQ is quantum safe encryption
NeoFS is a new database layer
Emphasized ecosystem partnership with bancor agrello matchpool
Missed some points because too fast. Will go back later.
3:28 innospace CEO talking. Selected AntShares to join a pool of 10 companies out of 800 applicants. Best companies get 100x growth. Talked about Neo contracts active dev community and emphasized fintrch fundamental paper.
3:35 Alex norta from agrello. English speaking. Introducing the agrello platform currently. Announced new white paper finished today and ICO occurring now.
3:43 Adam from Coindash. Marketing Coindash as a onestop crypto portfolio that enables social trading and facilitates ICOs. Gives test runs for ICOs and let's you gauge interest. Announcing foray into China with close partnership with NEST partnership.
3:59 they made a reference to the matrix where they all pushed buttons and the screen said, WAKE UP NEO
4:00 break for 30 mins