Besok tanggal 12 april , dan ico sudah dimulai . semoga di hari pertama banyak yang investasi di ico ini. saya belum sempat menyimak dari awal ico iEx . minimal target ico ini berapa ya gan?dan total supply coinya berapa?
Memantau bagai perkembangan ICO nya iex gan
kalau hari pertama yang berinvestasi sukses besar kemungkinan ICOnya sukse dan proyeknya akan berlanjut
ICO di undur selama 7hari jadi ICO dimulai tanggla 17April kalau permasalahan kenapa di undur kurang tau tapi ane ikut newslater nya menyatakan pengunduran ICO menjadi tanggal 17april
haish bener om diundur, mw direview ulang security smart contractnya ternyata, ada bug bountynya bagi yang berminat
We have taken the decision today to reschedule our RLC token crowdsale to the
19th April 2017 at 13:00 UTC.
The security of your funds is our first priority. To date, we have open sourced the contract, described the security architecture of the crowdsale platform and the code has gone through several internal and external security audits and tests. Open Zeppelin has also openly published the security review of the smart contract, in which no critical errors or vulnerabilities were found, and we have thoroughly applied all their recommendations.
However, we want to go deeper into the process by launching a bug bounty program.
You may be aware that a bug was discovered last week associated with Ethereum that affected the way that tokens are handled by exchanges. In order to ensure the highest levels of security we have decided to push the crowdsale launch back one week to allow time to undertake a more thorough auditing process.
We are committed to our project supporters and to delivering a great product to them — ensuring there is zero risk to crowdsale participants is part of that commitment. So we ask you to bear with us until Wed 19th April.
If you have some programming skills you are invited to participate in our bug bounty program by joining our slack. We reward 50.000 RLC (10BTC) for anyone finding critical vulnerabilities that would prevent the crowdsale to execute correctly.
In the meantime, we will continue to strengthen our presence across the community during this additional week. This includes an interview that we have been looking forward to with Epicenter Bitcoin.
Join our crowdsale on 19th April and help launch the future of cloud computing!
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