
Topic: [ANN]🔥⚡️RLZ Relianz Chain ft. BTCChina [M Party Coming!] - page 11. (Read 39142 times)

Activity: 546
Merit: 10

不到一分鐘!! $5一枚了!

M Chain increased drastically to 5USD per token within 1 mins! Congratulations for all of the followers and fans!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #mchain
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

M Chain在EXX交易所正式上线啦!此次上线为M Chain全球首发!
感谢各位一路追随和支持,丰收的时候到来了,让我们共同期待的M Chain辉煌时刻!Relianz Chain 将带给您更多更多!

Relianz Chain is proud to announced that M Chain has officially listed on EXX exchange platform! Thank you for all of your love and trust. We proved to you that action speaks louder than words! This is just the beginning of M Chain! More coming soon! Are you ready?

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

M CHAIN必将一飞冲天。
啥也不说了,M CHAIN已经霸占各大媒体的头条了!

Thanks for all the unconditional supports from all the medias! M Chain had been reported on all the cover of the both traditional and digital media! M Chain is ready to shine!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #mchain
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

Remaining time left! Countdown Timer - here!

【Click Here】: -
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

你是不是跟我一样守候在电脑或者手机旁 EXX盘面上的C位已经是M CHAIN了!M粉们,跟我一起倒计时吧!

Cant look away from keyboard because at Relianz Chain we are counting down to the hours! Dont look away!

#RLZ #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #cryptocurrency
#区块链 #mchain #二次元
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

加密货币初始发行 (ICO) 与其数字资产交易平台 (Crypto Currency Exchange) 监管法 于明日1月15号正式开启。

资本市场和服务(证券处方)(数字货币和货币) 数字令牌)将于2019年1月15日起生效。
数字货币和数字代币按此顺序定义(统称为 “数字资产”)作为证券工具,并受 马来西亚证券监管委员会(SC)监管。 提供此类文书及其相关活动将需要 SC的授权,需要遵守相关的证券法和法规。
财政部(MOF)认为数字资产及其基础资产 区块链技术,有可能 为旧产业带来创新以及产生新兴产业 。特别是,我们认为数字资产可以发挥其作用为企业家和新企业的替代筹款渠道 ,以及成为投资者的替代资产类别 。 在这方面,证券监管委员会将制定相关的监管要求 于 初始加密货币产品发行(ICO)和马来西亚欲运营 数字资产之交易平台之方。
本框架预计将于2019年第一季度末推出。 任何提供ICO或在没有SC监管的情况下经营数字资产交易平台可能会被定罪,处以不超过10年的监禁 罚款不超过1000万令吉。

Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng announced that Order 2019 would be effective starting from Tuesday (15th January 2019). This means that anyone caught operating unauthorized initial coin offerings (ICOs) or digital asset exchanges face a 10-year jail sentence and an RM10 million fine.
Cryptocurrencies, tokens and other digital assets will be categorized as securities henceforth, and fall under the regulation of the Securities Commission — an ongoing effort between Bank Negara Malaysia and the Securities Commission that has apparently been finalized.
As such, Lim Guan Eng said that “such instruments and their associated activities must be first approved by the SC”, and comply with the associated securities laws and regulations. This development tallies with the SC’s assertion that ICO regulations will come into effect in Q1 of 2019.
In the same announcement, Lim Guan Eng asserted that digital assets, to the Ministry of Finance, has a role to play as an alternative fundraising avenue for entrepreneurs and new businesses, and deems it as an alternate asset class for investors.

Securities Commission Malaysia has issued an official statement which can be found here:…/pua_20190114_PUA12.p…
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

来了来了!最后冲刺! 倒数一天!! M CHAIN以其强大的线下市场获得币圈大咖们的关注,并将于明日登陆全球排名前十的EXX交易所,强势席卷币圈市场,M CHAIN的黄金时代已到来。🔥🔥🔥

Counting down 1 day to the most anticipated project of 2019 - M CHAIN! Relianz Chain as the underlying technology adviser is proud to share that M Chain is going to be listed on World's Top 10 Exchange - EXX tomorrow. Nothing can stop us now 🔥🔥🔥

#RLZ #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #cryptocurrency
#区块链 #mchain #二次元
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

本月15号,M CHAIN上全球排名前十的交易所EXX😉

Though It's not a secret anymore to many, but here we are announcing M Chain going to be listed on world's top ten exchange platform - EXX. It's worth waiting for!
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

2019 Euro-Asia Blockchain Summit came to an end. Thanks for the partcipants who visit to our booth. It's our pleasure to meet all of you. Fourtune bag will be giveaway to those with most "like". Get your friends to like the photo as soon as possible. The contest will be ended on 20/1/2019

2019欧亚区块链高峰会圆满落幕。我们很荣幸跟所有来我们展位的来宾。谢谢你们的参与。获奖者将根据照片“点赞”数量进行筛选哦。获奖者名单将在 20/1 公布。 赶快让你们的朋友赞你们的照片哦!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

It’s a wrap! The 2019 Euro-Asia Blockchain Summit Kuala Lumpur has come to an end! Another achievement unlocked for both Relianz Chain and Blockchain Master. Great job! May Relianz Chain grow stronger in Blockchain industry globally!


#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #blockchainsummit2019 #sunwayresort #kl #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

演讲后,公信链企业运营官兼博师链学院首席教育官,孔繁斌老师被各大媒体受邀采访 -区块世界与精明理财🎉🎉

After Mr Fabian Hoong ended his fabulous speech, he had been interviewed by few popular medias in Blockchain industry - Blockchain World and Money Compass.

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #sunwayresort #kl #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10


Relianz Chain COO and CEO of Blockchain Master, Mr Fabian Hoong’s sharing was phenomenal! Thru his sharing, we get to know the formula of knowledge, you first Create and Explore then Develop which will eventually lead you to great Fortune. Of course, most importantly is to be bold and take action!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

演讲后,公信链创办人兼总裁,王宝财博士被各大媒体受邀采访 -区块世界与精明理财🎉🎉

LIVE UPDATE: After Dr. Eric Ong ended his fabulous speech, he had been interviewed by few popular medias in Blockchain industry - Blockchain World and Money Compass.

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #blockchainsummit2019 #sunwayresort #kl #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

Relianz Chain 公信链创办人兼总裁王宝财博士正分享M Chain 的最新资讯。当下,王宝财博士也借此机会宣布公信链将送出胜利新加坡演唱会VIP 门票。

LIVE UPDATE: Relianz Chain Founder & CEO, Dr. Eric Ong is sharing the latest information of Relianz Chain biggest project - M Chain. Meanwhile, Dr. Eric Ong also announced the Seungri concert ticket giveaway campaign! 🎉🎉

#rlz ##relianzchain公信链 #blockchain #区块链 ##blockchainsummit2019 #sunwayresort #kl #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

Check it out! Who is visiting to our booth?! Relianz Chain Founder & CEO Dr. Eric Ong , COO Mr. Fabian Hoong and Corporate Advisor Mr. Wilson Gan are visiting our booth! It's our pleasure to snap a photo with the three main pillars of Relianz Chain.


#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

One DAY to go! Relianz Chain Founder & CEO Dr. Eric Ong , COO Mr. Fabian Hoong and Corporate Advisor Mr. Wilson Gan can't wait to meet all the participants at Sunway Resort! For those participants who attending 2019 Euro-Asia Blockchain Summit, feel free to join the fabulous giveaway session at our booth!

2019欧亚区块链高峰会将在明天盛行!公信链创始人兼总裁王宝财博士,首席运营官孔繁斌先生和企业顾问颜优㐼先生期待与来宾们在Sunway Resort 见面哦!高峰会的来宾们,我们准备了好康等你们赢取哦!明天见!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10


实事现况:2019 Euro - Asia Blockchain Summit 欧亚区块链高峰会 正式开始!属于马来西亚的种族舞蹈表演!

LIVE UPDATE: 2019 Euro - Asia Blockchain Summit starts now with A cultural performance!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

实事现况:人潮逐渐来到活动现场,而Relianz Chain 的柜台更是特别多人!

Relianz Chain booth is packed! Crowd is building up!

#rlz #relianzchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链 #kl #sunwayresort #blockchainsummit2019 #giveaway
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