
Topic: [ANN]🔥⚡️RLZ Relianz Chain ft. BTCChina [M Party Coming!] - page 5. (Read 39142 times)

Activity: 546
Merit: 10

🔱 【M PARTY&VAC电音节】M粉至尊礼遇大揭秘🔱
M粉乘坐专车到达VAC电音节现场后,将有M chain专属工作人员指引会员进入VIP安检通道,会员通过安检通道后,将会看到M party粉丝专用方向指引牌,指引会员前往M粉专属服务区!👑 👑 👑

🔱 Special Privilege for M Chain's Fans 🔱Once you reach VAC event's destination, there have assigned event crew bring all of the member enter VIP security passage. You will be lead to VIP lounge by event crews! You will be served like a "Party King" 😍😍

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

🔱【M PARTY&VAC电音节】M粉至尊礼遇大揭秘🔱

🔱 Special Privilege for M Chain's Fans 🔱There have special signage at Moqi Hotel's reception counter. M Fans can collect the VAC ticket and member badge according to the procedure. After ticket collection, M fans can travel to VAC music festival's destination via shuttle bus. Shuttle bus's schedule will be posted at hotel. All of the privilege and benefits only for M fans!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

🔱 【M PARTY&VAC电音节】M粉至尊礼遇大揭秘🔱
M 粉到达武汉机场或高铁站后,即可搭乘含有M party字样的特色定制logo的专用商务专车、会员专用大巴送往M chain会员专属酒店 - 魔奇酒店✨ ✨ ✨
属于M 粉的一条龙福利💃💃

🔱 Special Privilege for M Chain's Fans 🔱Once you reach Wuhan airport or train station, you can travel to Moqi Hotel via special shuttle bus provided by M Chain. Layout of the shuttle bus will be decorated by "M Party Logo". M Chain only bring the best to fans. 💃💃

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

🔱 【M PARTY&VAC电音节】M粉至尊礼遇大揭秘🔱
M粉抵达机场或高铁站后,即可看到M CHAIN专属定制接机牌🎉🎉🎉

Special privilege only for M Chain fans! Once you reach airport or train station, you will see the customised pick-up cardboard prepared by M Chain. 🎉🎉

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

[这一刻喧闹,下一刻安宁,看M Chain如何纵横静闹之间?]


离M PARTY & 武汉VAC电音节又近了一天,盛世大狂欢即将上演!一起聊聊这场狂欢背后-M粉专属的安宁之所吧!M Chain官方唯一指定合作酒店-武汉绿地魔奇酒店!酒店内充斥的诸多M Chain元素一定让M粉宾至如归哦!
ps: M Chain会员领票地也在魔奇酒店。各位M粉记得提前到达领取VAC电音节门票会员专属徽章哦!

M PARTY & WUHAN VAC music festival is another 3 DAYS to go! Shouting for all the M Chain fans who participate VAC music festival this weekend! Had you booked the accommodation? Wuhan Moqi hotel is your best choice as it is the one and only M Chain's official partner in hotel industry!
ps: All the party animals are allowed to collect VAC ticket in Moqi hotel as well!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10


Hooray! VAC electronic music festival is another 3 DAYS to go! It is one of the most famous indoor EDM festival, it will maximise the enjoyment and EDM experience of party animals! What are you waiting for?

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

M CHAIN又一波大事件🎉 🎉 🎉
【预见未来 洞悉商机】区块链技术应用峰会将于3月4日在光谷武汉隆重举行,届时M CHAIN将作为联合主办方举办此次会议,与行业精英共谱区块链行业新生态㊗ ㊗ ㊗

Another great announcement brought by M Chain🎉🎉Blockchain technology application submit will be launched grandly on 4th of March in Wuhan. M Chain is the co-organise for this summit ! 🤓🤓

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

距M Party & 武汉VAC电音节倒计时4天!各项专属只为让M 粉拥有更好的体验!尊贵礼遇可不止于此!M粉入驻酒店还会获得电音狂欢大礼包让M 粉们瞬间变身电音达人!

M Party & VAC music festival is another 4 DAYS to go! In order to maximise the enjoyment of M Chain's fans, M Chain offered special goodies bag for all of you! Are you ready to hit Wuhan with Relianz Chain?

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

VAC - Infinity 室内电音节到计时4天!开年第一场盛会, Relianz Chain 将与那群热爱电音小伙伴们纵情狂欢,时空将被爱与希望填满!

VAC - Infinity Indoor music festival is another 4 DAYS to go! Another grand event after Chinese New Year! Relianz Chain will rocking the world of EDM with party animals! Let's fill your weekend with EDM! Cheers!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #party #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

随着M Party与武汉VAC 电音节的脚步越来越接近,小程序买票活动和抽奖活动已经开始了哦!各位大大们,赶紧邀请你的小伙伴们扫码进群即可参与抽奖,中奖机率高达99%。 百万豪礼让M 粉们免费抽!

M Party and VAC electronic music festival is around the corner! Mini program for purchasing tickets and lucky draw are launched officially! Scan the code to participate in the lucky draw now! Grand prizes are waiting for all the fans!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10



3月2日至3日,M PARTY&武汉VAC电音节即将开启。届时,M粉的尊贵礼遇也将会大升级🤟🤟想知道有什么属于M 粉的尊贵礼遇,赶紧点击链接阅读吧!内附派对疯狂彩蛋哦!

Special privelage only for M Chain fans! Let's check the link out to have more ideas on the special privilege on VAC music festival! We are waiting for you in Wuhan 🤟🤟🤟

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10


Check this out! Here are the procedure of sharing the lucky draw to your friends🤟🤟

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #blockchain #mparty #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

以下是如何在次元口袋分享我们的【邀请好友购买VAC电音节门票】小程序的操作流程图哦🌹 望各位M粉们好好看一看🤟🤟

Check this out! Here is the simple procedure of inviting friends on purchasing the VAC ticket on M Wallet 🌹🌹

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

[BIGBANG最嫩“小鲜肉”的最后一次!Relianz Chain公信链带你见证胜利新加坡演唱会]


2月23日,由Relianz Chain 公信链提供底层技术,全球首个二次元大娱乐数字平台 的M Chain鼎力协办的韩国超人气天团BIGBANG核心成员胜利个人巡回演唱会最终站,在新加坡星宇表演艺术中心(The Star Theatre)完美画上句点。演唱会中胜利多次表示非常珍惜和粉丝们在一起的时光,也对出席演唱会的每一位粉丝表示感谢与感恩。这一票难求的新加坡个人演唱会最终场更是让粉丝们尽兴而归,气氛空前火爆,现场座无虚席。赶快点击以上链接回顾演唱会的精彩片段吧!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

Are you ready to experience the longest indoor stage in China?! Let's join Relianz Chain in VAC Infinity @ March 2&3, 2019.

你们是否准备好体验室内最长的电音舞台吗?赶快与Relianz Chain 公信链一起参与VAC Infinity 电音节@ 2&3, 2019!

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

是你吗? Relianz Chain 公信链正在招募人才!如果你想加入最新金融科技行业,赶快联系我们!

Shouting for Graphic Designer and Marketing Executive who like to change their job environment. Great News! As our company is expanding fast, we are looking for experienced graphic designer and marketing executive! If you are interested , kindly send your resume to [email protected] .

#rlz #relianzchain #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

距 M Party & VAC 还有5 天💥💥
Big Bang 胜利巡回演唱会-新加坡站刚圆满落幕,热度还没过,VAC 电音节就要来临! M Chain 带给大家的惊喜不间断!M 粉们,你们准备好了吗? 💃💃

M Party & VAC Electronic Music Festival is another 5 DAYS to go! 💥💥Big Bang Seungri concert just ended on last weekend! VAC music festival is going to hit Wuhan next this weekend! M Chain had prepared a lots of surprise for all the fans and followers! Are you ready to "rock and roll" VAC music festival in Wuhan with Relianz Chain? 💃💃

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

M Chain次元口袋已开通VAC电音节邀请好友购票小程序🎉 🎉 🎉
邀请好友购票不仅可得M币,还可参与我们百万豪礼抽奖,中奖率高达99%,更有iPhone XS、华为nova4、VAC电音节双日/单日票等你拿😍😍😍

M Chain had launched their mini program on M wallet which is invite their friends on purchasing VAC electronic music festival's ticket🎉🎉🎉 You not only have opportunity to get M tokens, M Chain fans can also participate in grand lucky draw. Lots of grand prizes waiting for you such as I Phone XS, Huawei Nova4, VAC electronic music festival tickets! 😍😍

What are you waiting for? Faster open your M Wallet and invite you friends "rock and roll" the party with you! 👏👏

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

2019第一场M Party - Big Bang 胜利演唱会圆满落幕🎉🎉Relianz Chain 公信链总裁Dr.Eric Ong王宝财博士与企业顾问 Mr. Wilson Gan 颜优㐼先生与偶像的合照💃💃好羡慕他们能那么近距离接触偶像!💥💥这种好康只在M Chain 🤟🤟

First M Party in 2019 - Seungri concert ended successfully🎉🎉Relianz Chain CEO Dr. Eric Ong and Corporate Advisor Mr. Wilson Gan took the photo with Seungri at backstage 💃💃Envy 💥💥

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #区块链
Activity: 546
Merit: 10

Big Bang Suengri 胜利演唱会圆满落幕🎉🎉
祝贺M CHAIN协办BIGBANG演唱会圆满成功🎉 🎉 🎉

Big Bang Seungri concert ended successfully 🎉🎉 Concert had been reported by Coinbird ��🌹 Such a great memorable weekend for both M Chain and Relianz Chain due to the first success M Party in 2019!🎉🎉

#rlz #relianzchain #mchain #mparty #blockchain #公信链 #blockchain #区块链
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