Over 130 000$ was stolen from 22 people. Me and 3 of them had 2FA all of the time.
This is not something that can be silenced.
Company do not help victims and they they pass the buck on us.
Before the first payment, you could not know that there is no veryfication link.We had no right to know that the page without 2Fa is so full of holes
There was also no recapcha. Operating the brutalforce method hacker will not break the 2fa.But he will know my password
because 2fa veryfication appears in a next window after entering the correct username and password. This is the algorithm of SC.
In other words, SC is still a password farm for emaill and passwords.
This is not compliant with the standards and they did not report data theft anywhere. This is incompatible with EU law.
And that's why I think they did not do everything right.
What is wrong with you? I hope you find other hobbies...