CoinArmy got roughly 160,000~ KDC.
That's a start now you can start finding out roughly how much I mined for real. And stop screwing around. The hashrate at your pool didn't really push 30MH, I had 1.3 pointed there I was on the top 5 of your hasher list for a good part of the time. The pool found 160,000. I got 1800. You see the more data I have the more I can estimate my coin count you could make this all easy and just tell me you will find the real number because that obviously doesn't sound right. I gave you a good starting point as I know the last block I was paid for on your pool was mined 19:10 your pool time confirmed and all, totaling 3900+. Then nothing for 3 or so hours and today I get 1800 from you when I had about 1K confirmed just between the 2 shutdowns. Let alone coins from before when the diff was even lower. Math; lets round down 140,000/32=4375-1800
140K-20K less than your est.
32 inflated MH and me mining 1MH rounded down from 1.3 I had 25 to 30% rejects but the reject% went down as time went on, so 32/1=32
thus 140K/32=4375 which is >1800. Now 4375 is a number I feel more comfortable with as I dont want what I don't deserve and dont want other peoples coins
So 4375-1802= I would like 2573 to answer your ridiculous question of what do I want from you. Holy shit!
KDC LDJsxrjwKbmXnWAGbpcuVJaMyX3xdWq9Zs
Please calm down you must of missed my emails. I sent you an apology for how I made you feel. I also sent you my apologies before I seen all you posts on this thread, I just saw them now. Fair enough, you have every right to get pissed. I can send you 4000 my friend. Calm down its ok, its a launch and we made it, time to celebrate and move forward. Incoming 4k right now my friend. Hand shake
I would also like to add I sent you 1800 a while ago. So now you have a total of 5800. Now help build this baby up and get some traction for the markets. We do not have time for this nonsense.
And Dev you're doing fine!
Now I'm gonna go pass out again my head really hurts.