Proof of Developer = Product Delivery. GTFO with your failed attempt to regulate crypto.
[uneducated babble]
[uneducated babble]
Keep posting your bullshit and I'll keep posting the same facts.
Proof of Developer = Product Delivery. GTFO with your failed attempt to regulate crypto.
This entire argument stems from a lack of understanding of software development cycles. Get familiar with these terms:
A very early version of a software product that may not contain all of the features that are planned for the final version. Typically, software goes through two stages of testing before it is considered finished. The first stage, called alpha testing, is often performed only by users within the organization developing the software. The second stage, called beta testing , generally involves a limited number of external users.
Beta: (LXC/GUE)
A test for a computer product prior to commercial release. Beta testing is the last stage of testing, and normally can involve sending the product to beta test sites outside the company for real-world exposure or offering the product for a free trial download over the Internet. Beta testing is often preceded by a round of testing called alpha testing.
Release Candidate:
Abbreviates as RC, a release candidate is a version of a program or software that is functional but not quite ready to be released to the consumer market. Often, glitches and issues with the software are known to the developer, and those issues need to be fixed before the developer releases the product to a sample of consumers for the next phase of development, beta testing. Some developers, such as Microsoft, have a special technical service users group to which they offer a release candidate for trial before a more open public beta test.
Gold Version: (SDC)
In software and application development, a gold version is the final stage of software development and follows the alpha and beta testing cycles of software development. The gold version is the final version of the software as it will be released to the public. Most or all known bugs prior to release are fixed, and all intended functions for final release are implemented. Media and developers will often use the phrase
"gone gold" to announce a software product's impending release.
SDC has "gone gold" with the release of ShadowGO.