Zip want to start an exchange as his main business, he know his own strengths and weaknesses. He know he's not very good to promote his business and make good marketing. He could hire sales representative, but that's probably too expensive. He also know that a strong community around a loved coin can do miracle (see Dodgecoin).
So he was like How can I motivate some cryptocoin community to promote my business?
His idea: built a new cryptocoin community around a new coin (Sharecoin).
But if his community has no rewrd, they will not promote anything.
His second idea: share the profit of the business. (FeeShare)
His second bad idea: letting people mine on a multipool and give them sharecoins on fix rate: again it isn't market driven (which is kind of funny for someone managing a market)
His third bad idea: Getting all the sharecoins, as it will just kill the coin
Sigh... the multipool distributes/buys at the CURRENT BID... not a fixed rate.