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Topic: Sifcoin (inflationary fork). Start 23/06/2013. (Read 9 times)
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Sifcoin (inflationary fork). Start 23/06/2013.
Today at 6:19:48 PM
# 1
First of all - a big thank you to the author and to all the participants of this theme TrueCoin <- correct coin , fork idea was born there. So, the new kriptovalyuta Simple Inflation Fork of Bitcoin - Sifcoin / SIC / (simple inflationary fork of Bitcoin.) Run - June 23 2013, 00:00 GMT. Features: unlimited in time emission (money supply growth of about 5% / year, a well-established system) units only PoW, the reward for a block depends on the demand kriptovalyuty (reacts to increase the capacity of the network); generation unit time in 5 minutes, conversion of each unit (based on the average of the past and the generation time of 13 units / range one o'clock /, with a slight adjustment to the total number of units created in relation to their calculated amount); hesh function for the signature block header changed from sha-256 (sha-256 ()), on the daisy chain of the candidates / finalists and winner sha-3. Blake, BMW, Groestl, JH, Keccak, Skein. All functions of the 512-bit, but the end result is truncated to 256 bits. (Rejection of the sha-256 and scrypt - to protect against a possible startup sharp influx, and then just as sharp outflow capacity miners from other currencies, and the subsequent "paralysis." Complication chain to a length of 6 different hash functions and increased bit depth to intermediate 512 - an attempt to protect from further development of highly efficient Mh / s gpu-algorithms and theory, "simple" Gh / s devices). bit of sad: separate working miner has not been written, the generation is performed at the client (on cpu); also There is no associated infrastructure: the exchange, exchangers, calculator, blokcheyn explorer, wikis and the like; network will be fully p2p, any selected nodes handing out new ip nodam no, no-addnode apparently will not do, very often in the readme, clues to the program, copyrights, etc. will be meeting called Bitcoin - the natural consequence of laziness all correct. And the most important primary task was set to implement a paradigm issue, not a cosmetic change in the wrapper, with complete duplication of the rest of Bitcoin, may be critical bugs. Some figures premayn = 0, 1 coin = 100,000 Satoshi; voznagrazhdenie_za_blok = 1 coin + koren_kvadratnyy_iz (slozhnost_seti * № block) Satoshi. feature of this formula (unlike the vast majority of other kriptovalyut) - at the start of the life of the system, and at low power networks, resulting in ore mining pioneers "earnings" is not superior in thousands / millions of times similar income miners in the same kriptovalyute over time. On the one hand, it will beat the desire to contact sic'ami, on the other hand - money supply and circulation will be exactly when to kriptovalyute will be of broad interest that in the future may provide a much more trusting relationship. Moreover, the inflationary component, and a positive response to the growing interest in the issue (that is to say an increase in power) in the long term provide an order of magnitude better protection from the disease every popular deflationary currency / money savings - periodically speculative growth rate, the formation of the bubble and its subsequent collapse, with the crash course. That is why the model for the role of money as a medium of exchange / payment is much better suited to the proposed Bitcoin - money as a store of value. Download link: (win32 executable to test clean " newly installed "Windows XP sp3, and Windows 7 sp1 normally starts and runs) (source code to compile successfully on the test Ubuntu 13.04 (32 and 64 versions). Requirements libraries are exactly the same as in Bitcoins) Few marketing organizational issue is solved, sending letters to the president UN, that he in the UN passed a law banning dollars, euros and MNT and the transfer of all payments to sic. On Monday, under the auspices of the UN, IMF call all accountants to salaries and pensions were given only our money. So if you start Maini today - there's a good chance to win, the same lottery and become a millionaire tomorrow. In addition, before the end of the month operates a unique event - bring in Mining 6 friends, shoot this video and place it vkontakte. For this, we will remove a hash function out of your unit. And if all your friends will have to 6 friends - we put your blocks only half functions. This will allow you to earn 100% more money. And after the opening exchanges, the rate will be higher than that of Bitcoin, and that you sold all the coins in general will become fabulously wealthy cronies luck, rays diarrhea detractors