Yes we are saying the same thing. There isn't a marketplace yet because darksilk isn't done yet. Once done, it will finally be completion of what the community bought into. Then we can move on with getting people back into silk.
Trak you should read the white paper. It explains questions you have.
The whole project is solid, don't get me wrong. My post kinda comes across fud'y. I am just a long time holder of silk, so I just wanted to know how the project is adding value.
I really empathize in your frustration but you must understand that not all things can be made known upfront. I too am long time holder of Silk, but havind hold on for so long I would not dare to dismiss this project as a whole and thus Silk in particular. The developer continually reiterated that Silk will be encorporated as a crucial component of the Silk Network, trust should be placed on that notion.
If that is not enough then wait for DRKSLK but if SLK ends up being more then just a coin you might have lost your position. This call is for investors to make, something about judging a book by its cover i think...
Well, it should say what use SLK will be, why would anyone hold the coins if we cant know what use they will be for more then swaping coins? Makes no sense to hold that back if thats whats happening.