Talking about ICO holders is ridiculous when we had to give up our BTC a year prior. After they came on the market price dropped well under a dollar and sat there. That was only months ago. Anyone could have purchased more ETH then and would be outside of this ICO group everyone keeps talking about.
Stop living in the past. Deciding to hold a 10$ ETH is the same as willing to buy a 10$ ETH. If not, we wouldn't hold. We would sell.
I'm over everyone complaining that the original ETH group controls everything. That's just not true and many of the crew from Ethereum spent a year and thier own funds building the damn thing without ANY promise of payment. Please keep these things in perspective and treat each opportunity as that, an opportunity which you would like to participate or not.
Completely agree, I'm sure that many sold all the way up if they hold a substancial amount (hell, even Vitalik did). Ethereum exploded and there's no way back to $0.20 or similar prices. Even with such sharp drops lately the price never went below $7-8 I think and it's currently above $9. I also doubt it will go very low because of stake quantities, if it goes to $2-3 it would be very cheap to get 1500 ETH or similar.