imho slothcoin should NEVER become a token or coinswap ever unless you are trying to destroy it completely
This is just your opinion, it does not necessarily had to be true.... also I think it could be complete the opposite
you may not be aware of this but on Cryptopia they have a policy that coins that is hard fork or has coinswap gets delisted, and there are NO bitshares/steem tokens or clonecoins on Cryptopia or Tradesatoshi, so even if someone were to pay to relist it, highly unlike that sloth as a bts or a steem token or clones of them would be able to added there. So lets not lose the only markets on what has a been a good place for slothcoin, by making a it a coinswap to a token that will never see the light of day on any exchange.
Cryptopia, tradesatoshi?
Well as far as I know there is almost not movement at all in any of this markets if you look in the slothcoin part... Are you joking??? I am one of the old supporters of Slothcoin and also was helping oldambtster a bit with all his plan to change the Slothie to another blockchain.
and sloth keep it strengths of being decentralized and a PoW coin with its own blockchain means even if mining stops, it can still be resumed by anyone later with just a cpu or gpu.
This is not possible if it becomes a token on a centralized distributed network like BTS or STEEM or staking only coin. also you might say hey bts has openledger decentralized exchange, but it is dead platform, hardly anyone uses them, and its too complicated for newbies, so thats no good for sloth.
I can see you do not like Steem or BTS... well, like for your first sentence, it is just your opinion that, as far as I know, is based on completely wrong points like the centralized network and Openledger been a dead market... it moves much more than Cryptopia... and is better know also.
if you really need a reason to create a token, then make it a giveaway for slothcoin holders with its own name (slothies,slothshares ?). but leave the slothcoin we have alone and allow others to be able discover it and learn mining with it now and years from now.
And here you are been very disrespectful with the person who had take care of the Slothcoin since a long time... "but leave the slothcoin we have alone"? really? The "legendary" symbol you have by your name does not give any right to say thing like that without even consider or the effort and work oldambtster had done all this time for SlothCoin. As far as I can see you wrote just 3 times in this thread, and the 3rd one was this one... and not for help and be constructive but for complain about coins and markets that you do not like and to disregard the time and work of other people... Sadly english is not my mother language and I really can not say everything I am thinking now but I think you can get the idea with my lines... You can express your opinion but do not try to be a "boss" here please