"Note: I post this message on behalf of "@eGAS" who can not add images as newbie user. Please PM only to @eGAS user"
Bounty is simple(3 days to complete):
10 translations to a different to English and make a post in local sections - 10000 eGAS each, please reserve it and PM @eGAS after completion.
10 unique articles on popular cryptoblog platforms - 10000 eGAS each. PM to @eGAS user with completed links
Release after Smart Airdrop complete.
I'll be happy to discuss with you about the project.
Please Join us on our Social Media channels:
WEBSITE: http://ethgas.stream
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/ethgas
SLACK: https://join.slack.com/t/ethgas/shared_invite/enQtMjYyNzU3NTUxNjgwLTA0NmMzZmM3MWJmZGYyMGMxOGQ2YTdmNTQ3MTRkZDE2ZDllMTIyMzEzMjBlNTI3OTgxYjljMjI5Yjg2MzA4OGI
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/eth_gas
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Ethgas-359280821184395/
Thanks in advance,
Bounty reservations:
Translations(4 still available):
koishikoko, Japanese.
lachance7777, French
S3rj0, italian
ryzaadit, Indonesian
asanezz7, Filipino
shewadiwadi Turkish
Articles: (7 still available)
TedMosby - Goosebit website
bonsel - jon-cox website
kamvreto - cryptocurrencytalk
I can help you with translation in Romanian if you need .