NO PREMINE | NO INSTAMINE this is not true and should be removed
launch of this coin was setup to let dev instamine and get big premine...
This is true. The coin is so impossible to mine that you can't say it wasn't a premine/instamine.
Dev: what do you plan on doing with the premine?
You need to start by saying what safeguards you will make against dumping it.
And don't delete this post. I'm not criticizing what you did. I want to know your plans.
1. the coin is not impossible to mine, I have a standard desktop PC running the open source code and producing several POW per hour
2. you may have noticed VESTS (vesting STEEM), the Steem network is set up to ensure that 90% of all all Steem is locked for an average of 1 year continuously.
3. after the initial bootstrap phase, all mining rewards automatically get converted to vesting Steem (see code for details)
4. someone asked about the supply 143994.000 STEEM vs block number 35706 showing an average STEEM per block of 4.00
- 50% of that supply is actually locked up by the network to be distributed on July 4th, 2016 based upon another kind of proof of work (already coded, no hard forks).
- that leaves 2 STEEM per block, 1 to the producer for producing the block, and 21 to the producer for including someone else POW.
"id": "2.0.0",
"head_block_number": 35706,
"head_block_id": "00008b7a0d1a0c61f9d8b13e1fe484a9b7efa12a",
"time": "2016-03-24T12:43:33",
"current_witness": "alice",
"total_pow": "18446744048010777929",
"num_pow_witnesses": 80,
"virtual_supply": "143994.000 STEEM",
"current_supply": "143994.000 STEEM",
"confidential_supply": "0.000 STEEM",
"current_sbd_supply": "0.000 SBD",
"confidential_sbd_supply": "0.000 SBD",
"total_vesting_fund_steem": "270.000 STEEM",
"total_vesting_shares": "270.000000 VESTS",
"total_reward_fund_steem": "71412.000 STEEM",
"total_reward_shares2": "0",
"sbd_interest_rate": 1000,
"average_block_size": 115,
"maximum_block_size": 131072,
"current_aslot": 44071,
"recent_slots_filled": "340282366920938463463374607431768211455",
"last_irreversible_block_num": 35685,
"max_virtual_bandwidth": "4151066908544379562",
"current_reserve_ratio": 1786,
"head_block_num": 35706,
"head_block_age": "2 seconds old",
"participation": "100.00000000000000000",
"median_sbd_price": {
"base": "0.000 STEEM",
"quote": "0.000 STEEM"