Membaca rules signature yang diposting admin di grub bounty telegram kok jadi rada ribet yah ada yang bisa bantu artiin gak ?
Dear all,
let me remind you that our Bounty Program includes a very important bounty section - MicroMoney Thread campaign.
- 20% of the bounty pool is to be allocated to this campaign -
Make at least 30 comments on Bitcointalk within MicroMoney topic page - - during your participation in this campaign. You will be rewarded with 5 stakes for that. The additional publications will be counted the following way:
40 publications - 10 stakes
50 publications - 12 stakes
60 publications - 15 stakes (these conditions are posted in the registration form, due to btt regulations, we can not post this info on the forum).
We kindly ask you to make ONE POST in the official MM Thread EVERY DAY. All participants following this rule will get FIVE ADDITIONAL STAKES!
Berarti harus post 30 biji di thread utama micromoney ? Gagal gajian dong ane kalo gitu soalnya gak ada post di thread utama.