True randomness, no cheat from someone with big hashpower
the superblocks can be calculated just like doge and abused with big hashpower
just implement this:
lol nonsense
the claim is false. moo. whats more... let me find.
Nice try "Chaeplin", your poor attempt at discrediting SUPER is bad and you should feel bad.
Printing numbers and implying you "cracked a code" may look scary to newcomers but it's just a pathetic way to FUD
Get back in your DRK hole
listen if the coin claims things it is not... then i foresee a dark future. i dont care, i made about 5btc profit on trading this coin.
next opportunities will arise. i get some nice indicator emails every day. certain respectable people told to get out and take the profit, so i did.
now, when i am going to look further i find probably other things as well.
honorcoin clone, few changes, false claims. etc.
its not a SUPERCOIN.