just keeping with the requirements of the competition
Our contest requirements are simple:
- We would like a minimum of five (5) entries. Post your logo in our Bitcointalk thread between 6/8/14 thru 6/22/14.
- We are interested in keeping the classic "superman" diamond theme.
- A metallic, steel, or iron influenced treatment to communicate security and strength.
- Darker colors for a more serious tone, though this is optional.
- The final decision will be made by the Supercoin Team.
- Superman logo is trademarked do not use it. Make it original.
paying homage to another icon is good as long as it is original
diamond is significantly different and the s is original and without curves
I hope the OP is still interested in keeping the classic "superman" diamond theme.
have not had much time, wanted to get a submission in asap before it closes
will adjust sizes, colour and design as needed
Looks great! Is there any chance you can make round circle designs instead of a diamond?
It's best to avoid diamond which is too close to superman and it's better to be original IMO.