UPDATE WALLET SEE , ALL COINS SAFE : https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.7824424
Intro / The ObjectiveSometimes we take things too seriously here and we can get a bit ruthless. Let’s give Thanks. Every time you wish to thank someone simply send them some Thanks (our crypto).
Here are a couple situations where you could send some Thanks:
- Tipping workers at Restaurants, Cafes etc.
- Giving them when someone does you a favour
- When you want to Thank someone
- Give a donation to a charity as a thanks for their work
This idea may seem niche and it is but we say “Thanks” a lot why not give them a small financial reward as well? People receiving Thanks can then spend them at participating shops, save them or give them to others as a thank you.
We highly recommend you use Thanks to tip at restaurants etc instead of using fiat. Since tipping is voluntary it is very unlikely a waiter or waitress would be unsatisfied with receiving some Thanks. Plus you save a couple $ or BTC.
Block Structure60 seconds block time
1600 Thanks per block – 1520 blocks sent to miner – See below for details on remaining 80.
No max coins – Give Thanks for ever!
Features- No premine or IPO
- Full POW
- X11 Algorithm – Super Secure Hashing with the following 11 hashing functions: blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd and echo. X11 is probably the best hashing algo. We did not see the point in following the pointless trend of adding more algo’s. X11 is more than secure and has many more applications than newer X13 and X15 algos therefore we felt it was the best choice.
- Only CPU and GPU mining due to X11 algo makes it possible for everyone to mine and give some Thanks.
- 5% fee on blocks created – This will be our revenue for our organizations and help further advertise, increase adoption, further develop and offer bounties for this crypto, Thanks. To be clear this is not a premine. Every time a block is generated a small 5% is sent to the specified addresses. This is our organizations revenue and we will not disclose earning etc but we will try and maintain a very small % of the supply and give you guys a list of the addresses so you see how much Thanks we hold at any given time. A considerable amount of the funds will be re-invested into advertising and further developing Thanks.
We hope you understand this is a much better than A pre-mine, un-predicted instamines which are considerably more dangerous for a community. Plus, we are not expecting anything upfront and aren’t doing an IPO. Often, coins without these tend to result in OPs who disappear soon as there is no incentive for them to continue supporting the coin. So the best way is this small tax/ miner fees.
- Dark Gravity Wave – Make us multi-pool resistant.
Wallet LinksWindows QT :
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3gv3jf6wpsq7cvq/Thanks-qtv2.1.zipMac QT:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvcmq0ea7pxc3ts/Mac-QTv2.1.zipSource code :
https://github.com/ThanksCrypto/Thanks/Node List :
https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9vra9mpf738yzp/Node-List-18.7.14.txtLogoFull Logo:
http://s24.postimg.org/nq03vizd1/thanks.pngMini Icon:
http://s12.postimg.org/5uhhdhkwp/thanksmini.pngSocial MediaReddit:
https://twitter.com/ThanksCryptoName: Thanks
(Note it’s not Thankscoin etc its “Thanks”)
Abbreviation: THANK
RPC PORT = 36969
Poolshttp://pool.mn/Themes/Dilber/images/theme/logo.pngPool.m :
http://thank.pool.mn/ Exchangeshttps://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/459023277218746368/LLovb35U.pngC-CEX :
https://c-cex.com/?p=thank-btc https://c-cex.com/?p=thank-usdBlock Explorers Block Experts :
http://www.blockexperts.com/thankSSD Pool :
http://thank.explorer.ssdpool.com:9046 (note this site sometimes has issues)
How you can help Thanks growWe hope you are as enthusiast about Thanks as we are. Here are a few things you can do to help us increase adoption.
1. Start mining
2. Send people Thanks when deserved
3. Get businesses in your local area to officially accept it for tipping
4. Start tipping with Thanks
5. Tell people about Thanks
6. If you own a website or business allow for donations and tipping with Thanks
7. Tweet about us
8. Help us create a buzz
9. Follow us on Twitter :
https://twitter.com/ThanksCrypto10. Support each other
We would like to thank everyone who helped make this coin a reality and you for taking the time out of your day to read this ! Let there be Thanks !