It means that time and money will be invested only by speculators.
This is a 12 day coin, a baby coin and still we see a lot of intrests and speculative reactions around, which are understandable.
We look speculative as most of the cryptocurrencies out there. However we deliver to the community exactly what we promised and more. No dream deadlines, no fancy unreal goals, we are transparent.
Check our goals and our milestones and see all our purposes are real, possible, achievable and with inmense financial potential.
We invite you to come and see this week who is our community and who is behind the project!
Thursday 02/05/2019 (2000 GMT+2)
Community Meeting Protocol
Meeting time: 2 hours
Dress Code: Casual
Meeting topics:
1 - Tellurium intro
2- Our community members
3 - Ideas and suggestions
4- Cocktail (AirDrop)
Join us at our community and support channel in Discord.
We want you all to participate, no matter what skill or talent you have or you want to develop, this is a place for everyone!
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