Good luck with that, you are 5 years too late for these type of launch, its so 2013!
Tokemon Specifications
Prefix: TKM
Algorithm: X11
Total Coin Supply: 100 Million TKM
100-50000 | 5 TKM
POS Starts on Block 10000
10k to 20k 1000%
20k to 30k 500%
30k to 40k 1000%
40 to 50k 5000%
Halves every 100000 Blocks
Maturity: 24 Hours Minimum / Maximum 30 Days
Confirmations: 20
There is a 100 million coins premined that as we said above are for sale on 100 satoshi., we know the markets situation and we count with a possible coin burn at the end of the presale. Thank you for your feedback
Will you guys do PoS with premine too? hope not!