You can read more about the utility here:
The TL;DR version is that you earn more tokens with more contributions. Different bounties and challenges yield different EDN rewards and different levels and badges amplify your earning potential.
So earning EDN tokens and gaining access to abilities like publishing your own bounties within your own projects with your own assembled team are both project specific and individual specific.
The concept is to remove the barrier completely for a potential solution to emerge.
That's pretty neat. I like the idea of people being able to publish their own bounties, etc. I'll take a look at the link provided as well. Thanks for your reply.
Is there an early version of this project already out or is it still being developed?
The EDN (EDEN Distributed Network) platform is being built the other products have been built already.
That's impressive. To pre-order the available products, it looks like I just have to buy enough EDN tokens. Is the token sale happening right now?
Exactly We aren't doing a pre-sale at all. What we've realized running a few token sales already is that the big bonuses are reserved for a private pre-sale that blocks everyone else out. So we are doing something similar but making it an open process. We are running a 4 month long public token sale where depending how much you purchase and when you purchase it you will get access to bonuses.
Thanks. When does the public token sale start?
In May. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Thanks! I'm excited for it. I appreciate such a helpful and responsive team. This project is going to go far, I just know it.