and make no mistake there are people mininh this coin with huge hashrates
intending to do just that. It always amuses me how its usually the very same gimps who
are the dumpers that are the ones that give developers grief especially ones that have nothing
to hide and spell it out for everyone from the word go.
You have given a pretty frank OP on what is expected and those that don't like it should
not even be in here questioning you its really as simple
as that. Good luck i'm mining simply because its an interesting experiment,
and will see what happens.
I'm not a miner and never have been. I've stated that plenty of times on the forums. Stop being such a shill. I have no intention of mining or buying this coin. It always amuses me that the same gimps always try to shoot down the people that want to warn people about potential scams. Do you know why that is? It's because people like you are either part of the scam or in on another one. Don't incite me if you want me to leave this thread.
what about doing to create your OWN coin ?
Then People can decide whats good or bad.
I don't want to create my own coin. I don't see how I could possibly make something better than the most innovative coins that are already launched.
Just think if everyone said this after BTC. Development would have ended. Yes there is no knew tech here right now but something might come from it. This coin is meant to see if people can handle a decentralized coin. But we are now playing the debate game because I put a premine in. I thought .05% of the coin was a small amount for my time and effort.