
Topic: [ANN][TRST] [TOKENA PRODAJA] Štednja i Platforma Osiguranja (Read 16225 times)

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Activity: 534
Merit: 250


Jae Kwon je CEO Tendermint, projekt čiji je cilj oslobađanje blockchain iz troškova i nedostatke dokaz za rad-rudarstvo. Njegova misija je napraviti ovu tehnologiju više dostupni, kako bi se ubrzati usvajanje decentralizirane analitike tehnologija. On također služi kao escrow na WeTrust projektu.


Je tehnički direktor MIKKO OhtamaaTokenMarket, razmjena i istraživanje platforma za tokene decentralizirana tehnologija projekata. On služi kao savjetnik za FirstBlood, je bivši tehnički direktor LocalBitcoins. Njegov trenutni projekt, TokenMarket, je nastao iz vjerovanja da decentralizirano tehnologija pruža velike mogućnosti, ali one dobre mogućnosti može biti teško pronaći. TokenMarket pojednostavljuje proces kupnje, razmjena i istraživanje tokena, stvaranje više strateški i jedinstven mjesto to ulaziti ovaj razvoj prostora, sve sigurno i poznato sučelje.

Znatiželjan što Mikko ima za reći? Pogledajte njegov intervju ovdje!


WeTrust je crowdsale je kraj i u manje od 7 dana.

U međuvremenu, mi smo zahtjev da unesete primanje adresu na koju vaš Trustcoin će biti poslana, što prije. Također preporučujemo da omogućite Two-Factor autentifikacije (2FA). Saznajte više o dodavanju prima adrese i 2FA u naš blog post.

BountyX sudionika, molim te vidjeti posebne upute na dnu ove poruke.

Evo WeTrust je plan za Trustcoin distribuciju:

-prikupiti sudionika Ethereum adrese od danas.
-Jednom crowdsale završava, daju sudionici još 48 do 72 sata unesite adrese primatelja i osigurati njihov konačni iznosi TRST, prikazuje na ploči s instrumentima, ispravnost.
-popraviti probleme podigao, a na neke dodatne pretrage i provjere, da provjerite jesu li ispravni TRST iznose i raspodjelu proces će izvršiti po planu.
-smrznuti promjene prima adrese za zadnjih 12 sati ili tako prije nego što prvi distribucijski (kako bi se spriječilo zlonamjernih aktivnosti).
-uvođenje u TRST tokena ugovora (izvorni kod koji možete vidi here) i TRST prenijeti svim sudionicima koji su unijeli adresu e-pošte i pružaju adresu primatelja.
-javno objaviti adresu konačni mainnet ugovora.
-dobiti konačnu potvrdu od escrows prije crowdsale sredstva su na WeTrust.
-i dalje pratiti sa crowdsale sudionika koji nije dao adresu za primanje za prvi distribucije.
-raditi stvarno teško za poboljšanje financijske inkluzije!

Da biste dobili ažuriranja na ovom planu, pratite nas na našoj zatišje kanal.

Ako ne uspijete unijeti adresu primatelja prije postupku inicijalne distribucije počinje, ne brini. Će biti predstavljanje nekoliko krugova mainnet distribucija u narednih nekoliko tjedana kako bi bili sigurni da kao mnogi ljudi kao moguće dobiti svoje Trustcoins.

Instructions for bounty participants
Molimo da se registrirate na koristeći jednak elektronička pošta koje prilikom registracije za nagradu kampanju i osigurati adresu primatelja.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
Local Translators - Please help us translate our message to your native language.

WeTrust’s crowdsale is ending and in less than 7 days.

In the meantime, we request that you enter the receiving address to which your Trustcoin will be sent, as soon as possible. We also recommend enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Learn more about adding your receiving address and 2FA in our blog post.

Bounty participants, please see special instructions at the bottom of this message.

Here is WeTrust’s plan for Trustcoin distribution:

 - Collect participants’ Ethereum addresses starting today.
 - Once the crowdsale ends, give participants another 48 to 72 hours to enter the receiving addresses and make sure their final TRST amounts, displayed on the dashboard, are correct.
 - Fix any issues raised, and run a few more tests and validations, to make sure the TRST amounts are correct and that the distribution process will execute as planned.
 - Freeze any changes of the receiving addresses for the last 12 hours or so before the first distribution takes place (to prevent malicious activity).
 - Deploy the TRST token contract (the source code of which you can see here) and transfer TRST to all participants that have entered their email address and provided their receiving address.
 - Publicly announce the final mainnet contract address.
 - Receive a final confirmation from escrows before the crowdsale funds are released to WeTrust.
 - Continue to follow up with crowdsale participants who did not provide a receiving address in time for the first distribution.
 - Work really hard on improving financial inclusion!

To get updates on this plan, please follow us at our Slack channel.

If you don’t manage to enter your receiving address before our initial distribution process begins, don’t worry. We’ll be performing a few rounds of mainnet distributions in the next few weeks to make sure that as many people as possible get their Trustcoins.

Instructions for bounty participants
Please register at using the same email you provided when registering for the bounty campaign, and provide your receiving address.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
Local translators please help us out and translate our press release to your local language.

Mikko Ohtamaa is the CTO of TokenMarket, an exchange and research platform for tokens of decentralized technology projects. He serves as an advisor for FirstBlood, was formerly CTO of LocalBitcoins. His current project, TokenMarket, was created out of the belief that decentralized technology provides great opportunities, but those good opportunities can be difficult to find. TokenMarket streamlines the process of buying, exchanging, and researching tokens, creating a more strategic and unified place to enter this developing space, all through a secure and familiar interface.

Curious what Mikko has to say? Check out his interview here!
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
Translators: Please help and support WeTrust by translating the below, so WeTrust can reach a worldwide audience! Thanks.


Jae Kwon is the CEO of Tendermint, a project aimed at liberating the blockchain from the costs and drawbacks of proof-of work-mining. His mission is to make this technology more accessible, in order to accelerate the adoption of decentralized ledger technology. He also serves as an escrow on the WeTrust project.

sr. member
Activity: 534
Merit: 250
Wall Street zadovoljava Ethereum: Saznajte što Michael Casey, bivši WSJ novinara i najbolje prodaje autor misli na - Ethereum, Blockchain tehnologije i WeTrust!

Michael Casey je viši savjetnik za digitalne valute inicijativa na MIT Media Lab i partnera u Agentic grupi. Pisac i istraživač u području ekonomije, financija i informacija tehnologiju, većina je Casey karijere je proveo je kao novinar u Wall Street Journal. On je autor četiriju knjiga, uključujući The dobi Cryptocurrency, koji je napisao s Paul Vigna. Ima B.Comm sa Sveučilišta zapadne Australije i magistrirao azijskih studija sa Sveučilišta Cornell.

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Ovdje na WeTrust, vjerujemo da se blockchain može koristiti socijalne zauvijek . Kao demonstraciju naše opredjeljenje za tu misiju, smo nedavno organizirali pouzdanih ljubavi krug (inspiriran pouzdanih pozajmljivanje krugovima) na WeTrust platformi. Evo kako to radi:

1. tijekom svakog tjedna kruga ljubavi, doprinijet će svaki član 5 eter u bazen
2. jedan član grupe će biti odabrani na slučajan kao pobjednik eter bazena svaki tjedan, sa članovi pobjedu loncu više puta
3. primatelj sredstava za taj tjedan onda donira izlazi u dobrotvorne svrhe po vlastitom izboru
4. tijekom razdoblja 5 tjedan, svaki tjedan svaka osoba završi doprinose 25 eter u dobrotvorne svrhe po vlastitom izboru

Svrha uzimanja ove akcije iznad, je pokazati prvi put to WeTrust platforma je sposoban od podrška slične uporabe slučajevima gdje sudionici suradnju transparentno kao grupa u financijski napor, pridonosi tokena, a prima tokena distribuira natrag u njima s vremenom, bez potrebe za pouzdana treća strana. Može se zamisliti sve nove načine primjene programeri će koristiti ove poboljšane mogućnosti za izgradnju decentralizirane primjene.

Mi smo sreće imati neke velike movers i shakers u blockchain svijetu velikodušno pristao sudjelovati u našem krugu pouzdanih ljubavi.Hvala ti: Matthew Roszak of Bloq/ Tally Capital, Jeremy Gardner  Blockchain kapitala/ Auger, David Johnson of Factom, Emin Gun Sirer od Cornell, i George naš co-founder!


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Ovdje na WeTrust, vjerujemo našim rotirajuća štedno -kreditne udruge (ROSCA) / pouzdana zajam krug proizvoda mogu uistinu promijeniti svijet ! Osim njihove tradicionalne koristiti kao način za ljude u grupu za spremanje zajedno i dobiti novac kada im je očajnički potrebna, vidio sam druge jedinstvene situacije koja bi bila pogodna za ROSCA proizvoda. U dijelu 1 od ova 4 dio serije, možemo pogledati nekoliko načina uporabe na ROSCA / pouzdana zajam krug mehanizam!

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WeTrust, platforma za štednje i kreditiranja na blockchain , je sudionik sa DigixGlobal, tvrtka stavljajući koji se tiče prsta zlatne žetone na Ethereum blockchain . Odavno sam omogućavanjem zlata na temelju kreditiranja krugovima vrlo brzo i jesu uzbuđen da rade s DigixGlobal na pojačavaju snage pozajmljivanje krugovima kroz korištenje tehnologije .

ključni faktor u vožnji masa usvajanje vjerovao pozajmljivanje krugovima na na blockchain je pruža mogućnost za korisnike za korištenje jedinica račun po vlastitom izboru . Zlato ima katom povijest i trenutno koriste pozajmljivanje krugovima širom svijeta. Moramo podržati više vrsta tokena i Digix zlato tokena je logičan sljedeći korak zbog potražnje od korisnika.

Check out our cijeli članak ovdje, i će hatar to čuti vaše komentare!

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Žive u Blockchain.

Ovdje naWeTrust, Vjerujemo da naši Trusted Lending Circle proizvodi doista mogu promijeniti svijet! Osim njihove tradicionalne koristiti kao način za ljude u grupu za spremanje zajedno i dobiti novac kada im je očajnički potrebna, vidio sam druge jedinstvene situacije da bi bila pogodna za naše Trusted Lending Circle (aka ROSCA)proizvoda. U dio 2 od ova 4 dijela serije, ćemo pogledati nekoliko načina uporabe ovaj mehanizam! (Za pogledati 1. dio koji se fokusira na korištenje ROSCAs za kupnju zajedničkih resursa i ljubavi, kliknite ovdje).

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Ovdje u WeTrust, mi smo fokusirani na izgradnju zajednice oduševljeni i strastveni pristaša koji vjerujem da koristim na blockchain za poboljšanje financijske inkluzije. Nedavno, došli smo da neki od članova naše zajednice da svoje misli na naš projekt i naš tekući crowdsale. Hvala na super Reakcija iz WeTrust zajednice Članovi @johngalt, @pablox, and @cryptoks.

Ako želite sudjelovati u našoj zajednici, pridružite se naš Slack ili naše tekuće gužve prodaju. Pozdravljamo i veselimo se sva pitanja, konstruktivne komentare i rasprave u vezi našeg projekta. U stvari, razgovore sa članovima naše zajednice često vodi do ideje za poboljšanje naših proizvoda. Pridružite nam se u korištenju blockchain za stvaranje novog financijskog sustava koji je za ljude, od strane ljudi.

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Shawn Wilkinson je kreator Storj, open source oblak za pohranu platforma koja ne mogu biti cenzurirani, pratiti, ili ima prekid rada. To je prvi decentralizirane, kraja na šifrirane oblak za pohranu koji koristi blockchain tehnologiju i kriptografija za siguran prijenos podataka. On je također osnivač, direktor i tehnički direktor Inc Storj Labs, pravne osobe s ciljem da decentralizirana pohrana prosječan posao i potrošač.

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WeTrust tim je sretan to najaviti novu verziju pouzdanih pozajmljivanje krugovima MVP (na Ropsten preporod testnet) sada podržava ERC20 Token . Ovdje je na popis ERC 20 Token trenutno na Ethereum Blockchain.


Zašto je to važno?
Kada se poslužuje kupce izvan kripto-ventilator zajednice, bitno je da bi proizvod bio dostupan svima. Jedna važna prepreka da prevlada je ROSCA (inače poznat pod imenom pouzdani pozajmljivanje krug) sudionici trebaju biti osposobljeni za rad s valutom koriste na svakodnevnoj osnovi. Kao ruskim korisnika vjerojatno ne bi želite pokrenuti ROSCA koristeći USD i kanadski korisnik ne bi želite pokrenuti ROSCA koristeći britanske funte, na sličan način oboje ne bi željeli koristiti ETH kao valute je ROSCA. Na taj način da će ih držati podalje od bilo koji valuta fluktuacija rizike povezane s pomoću bilo koje valute osim one se bave na dnevnoj bazi.

Podržava ERC20 otvara vrata pomoću stablecoins s WeTrust ROSCAs. Što su stablecoins? Ovo su cryptocoins koje su zajamčena za praćenje vrijednosti stvarnom svijetu robe i valute, npr., Digix DGD (praćenje stvarnom svijetu zlato), spona USDT (praćenje USD), Consensys's podkrovlje i proizvođača Dai (oba praćenje nekoliko kovanica na svoj način).

Više informacija o našim Blog Post!
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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The WeTrust team is happy to announce the new version of Trusted Lending Circles MVP (on Ropsten revival testnet) now supports ERC20 tokens. Here's a list of ERC 20 Tokens currently on the Ethereum Blockchain.


Why is this important?
When serving customers outside the crypto-fan community, it is crucial to make the product as accessible as possible to everyone. One important hurdle to overcome is that ROSCA (aka Trusted Lending Circle) participants should be able to work with the currency they use on a day to day basis. Just like a Russian user probably wouldn’t want to run a ROSCA using USD and a Canadian user wouldn’t want to run a ROSCA using the British Pounds, in a similar way both of them would prefer not to use ETH as the currency of the ROSCA. Doing so will let them keep clear of any currency fluctuation risks associated with using any currency other than the one they deal with on a daily basis.

Supporting ERC20 opens the door to using stablecoins with WeTrust ROSCAs. What are stablecoins? These are cryptocoins that are guaranteed to track the value of real world goods and currencies, e.g., Digix’s DGD (tracking real-world gold), Tether’s USDT (tracking USD), Consensys’s StabL and Maker’s Dai (both tracking several coins in their own way).

More info on our Blog Post!
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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Shawn Wilkinson is the creator of Storj, an open source cloud storage platform that can’t be censored, monitored, or have downtime. It is the first decentralized, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that uses blockchain technology and cryptography to secure data. He is also the Founder, CEO and CTO of Storj Labs Inc, a corporate entity aiming to bring decentralized cloud storage to the average business and consumer.

full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
Translators, please translate this article to your native language. Admins, please excuse the English for now.

Here at WeTrust, we are focused on building a community of enthusiastic and passionate supporters who believe in using the blockchain to improve financial inclusion. Recently, we reached out to some members of our community to get their thoughts on our project and our ongoing crowdsale. We really appreciate the great responses from WeTrust community members @johngalt, @pablox, and @cryptoks.

If you want to participate in our community, join our Slack or our ongoing crowd sale. We welcome and look forward to any questions, constructive comments, and debate regarding our project. In fact, our discussions with members of our community often lead us to ideas for improving our product. Join us in using blockchain to create a new financial system that’s For the People, By the People.
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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Live on the Blockchain now.

Here at WeTrust, we believe our Trusted Lending Circle products can truly change the world! In addition to their traditional use as a way for people in a group to save together and receive money when they desperately need it, we’ve seen other unique situations that would be well suited for our Trusted Lending Circle (aka ROSCA) products. In Part 2 of this 4 part series, we take a look at a few uses of this mechanism! (For a look at Part 1 which focuses on using ROSCAs for buying shared resources and charity, click here).
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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WeTrust, a platform created for savings and lending on the blockchain, has partnered with DigixGlobal, a company putting digital gold tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. I'm looking forward to enabling Gold based Lending Circles very soon and are excited to be working with DigixGlobal to amplify the strengths of Lending Circles through the use of technology.

A key factor in driving mass adoption of Trusted Lending Circles on the blockchain is providing the ability for users to use the unit of account of their choice. Gold has a storied history and are currently used lending circles around the world. We must support multiple types of tokens, and Digix gold tokens is a logical next step due to demand from users.

Check out our full article here, and would love to hear your comments!
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
LOCAL TRANSLATOR: Please translate this message, so everybody can hear the good news. Thanks.

Here at WeTrust, we believe our Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA)/ Trusted Lending Circle products can truly change the world! In addition to their traditional use as a way for people in a group to save together and receive money when they desperately need it, we’ve seen other unique situations that would be well suited for our ROSCA products. In Part 1 of this 4 part series, we take a look at a few uses of the ROSCA/ Trusted Lending Circle mechanism!

full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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Here at WeTrust, we believe that the blockchain can be used for social good. As a demonstration of our commitment to that mission, we recently organized a Trusted Charity Circle (inspired by Trusted Lending Circles) on the WeTrust platform. Here’s how it works:

1. During each week of the Charity Circle, each member will contribute 5 Ether into the pool
2. One member of the group will be selected at random as the winner of the Ether pool each week, with no member winning the pot more than once
3. The recipient of the funds for that week then donates the proceeds to a charity of their choice
4. Over the course of the 5 week period, every week each person ends up contributing 25 Ether to the charity of their choice

The purpose of taking these actions above, is to demonstrate for the first time that the WeTrust Platform is capable of supporting similar use cases where participants collaborate transparently as a group in a financial endeavor, contributes tokens, and receives tokens distributed back to them over time, without the need for a trusted third party. One can imagine all the new ways application developers will use these improved capabilities to build decentralized applications.

We’re very lucky to have some major movers and shakers in the blockchain world generously agreeing to participate in our Trusted Charity Circle. Thank you: Matthew Roszak of Bloq/ Tally Capital, Jeremy Gardner of Blockchain Capital/ Auger, David Johnson of Factom, Emin Gun Sirer of Cornell, and George our co-founder!

full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
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Wall Street Meets Ethereum: Learn what Michael Casey, ex-WSJ Journalist and best selling author thinks of - Ethereum, Blockchain Technologies and WeTrust!

Michael Casey is a Senior Advisor for the Digital Currency Initiative at MIT's Media Lab and a partner at Agentic Group. A writer and researcher in the fields of economics, finance and information technology, most of Casey's career was spent as a journalist at the Wall Street Journal. He has authored four books, including The Age of Cryptocurrency, which he co-wrote with Paul Vigna. He holds a B.Comm from the University of Western Australia and an M.A. in Asian Studies from Cornell University.

sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
ja sam na dobio već 9 satoshija kamata i to u 2 dana o kakvoj vi štednji govorite, drugi plačaju masnu paru već  Grin
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust


Due to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage impacting numerous infrastructure services and exchanges (e.g. Coinbase/ GDAX), we have decided to delay the Crowdsale launch by 24 hours to March 2nd, 12:00AM UTC.

We apologize for this change in schedule. However, we believe that it is critical to have a smooth crowdsale experience.

Everything else stays the same, the only difference is that the start date and bonus schedule have been pushed back by 24 hours. Please help us spread this to the greater community.

Thank you for your continued support,
WeTrust Team
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust

Open Zepplin is a smart contract security auditor and has helped find flaws and improve the security for projects such as: Golem, FirstBlood, Wings DAO, Digix Global, Consensys, Rootstock, many more!

According to Manuel Aráoz, "Overall, code quality is good, it’s well commented, and most well-known security good practices were followed. This was one of the most well written contracts we had to audit."

Check out the full, un-abridged version here and explore what they've found!

Previous audits (and, ours!)
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust
WeTrust's Token Sale Sign Up is NOW LIVE.

Go to our website at WWW.WETRUST.IO and sign up!

We've put together a wonderful FAQ with all the FAST FACTS you'll need to know before participating!
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
Strategy & Operations at WeTrust

Project: WeTrust

The main tagline from the website is:
A platform for Trusted Lending Circles, powered by people and blockchain.

The slightly longer explanation from the whitepaper is:
WeTrust is a collaborative savings, lending and insurance platform that is autonomous, agnostic, frictionless, and decentralized. WeTrust utilizes the Ethereum blockchain to create a full-stack alternative financial system that leverages existing social capital and trust networks, eliminating the need for a “trusted third party”, allowing for lower fees, improved incentive structures, decentralized risks, allowing a greater amount of capital to reside among the participants, and ultimately improving financial inclusion on a global scale.

Personally I find the concept very interesting. The goal is to build a platform with increasingly complex alternative financial and insurance products. The first product being developed is an application for Trusted Lending Circles (aka Rotating and Saving Credit Association/ROSCA).

They have a website at, a blog at and there is a proof-of-concept available on To hear the Founder's talk more about the project in their own words, watch the CoinFund's Hangout or listen to the Blockchannel's podcast with them.

sr. member
Activity: 362
Merit: 250
Heh ovo je jako los google translate. Netko je pokupio bonus ladno  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 534
Merit: 250
Ako ste zainteresirani slijediti glavna nagrada plan, molim te pitaj, ili možete posjetiti glavnu stranicu za TRST Bounty
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