Do you want power? Then this is power
This is not power this is bullshit.
Have you paid ANY attention to the world around you? The world's governments run on two things, in ascending order. Violence and bullshit.
exactly why I do my best to stay away from even more bullsh!t coins like this one... no point in sinking to the level of a politician or a used car salesman, seems like half the people on these threads are like bad used car salesmen trying to pawn off some car with a blown tranny etc for top dollar to an unsuspecting customer.
lol have fun with your 10% IPO dump right of the start
Talking about shitcoin. When i check your signature then you certainly know how to invest in shitcoins
Asiacoin, Astrocoin
I assume you were talking to fonzerrellie, but I got in on a few ugly ones myself, though it looks like SHA might come to life.
In 2009 Bitcoin was a "shitcoin" that could never possibly succeed. As long as you're up front about what you're doing, don't scam or cheat, if it fails or succeeds, that's the market and you are not greatly harmed in the former case.
Best of luck! I will probably be in on the launch
I loved cars before I learned to walk, I like the concept. Not sure how you're going to implement it, and I really don't have the time to help right now other than a few (half formed) ideas. I'll put 'em up when they are less half formed.
Placebo has always been cool to me, so if he's backing you, I figure you're all right
fair enough... all 3 coins in my sig are where they are now because of lazy or down right scammer dev's "butt hurting" a lot of people before they drop the coin and the community is left to try to pick up the pieces from the mess the OG dev's left behind... and of course trust in crypto land takes forever to rebuild so standing by them is a long term thing (I know rare in cryptoland) lol and it's partially a reminder to not to take anymore "sugar pill's"
AC there's more asian people on the planet than any others so when bitcoin and cryptos are truly part of the mainstream their potential for even some basic acceptance is huge.
Astrocoin was the first low volume coin I ever mined and still has potential with soopy putting out a new wallet/update soon
XBC will be so easy to market to the public once bitcoin goes mainstream it's not even funny.
I don't "pump" a coin that I know I'm just going to dump or if I think the dev is going to flake... thats the same as the used car saleman selling a car for top dollar that he knows the engine is about to fall out.
anywho have fun with your coin