Good that i am part of this ICO...already bought my vslice and now waiting for the price to go high
Also do someone know when we may get returns after the ICO is over?
Will it be weekly or monthly?
A more full answer is here:-
The profits being distributed would the house profits from the vDice contracts. This is easily done by setting the houseAddress of those contracts to the profitContainer's address. The profits will come from across all of vDice's games. The current investment functions are unaffected, as tokenHolders receive house profits.
The way the profits are distributed is simply based upon the amount of tokens a token holder holds in proportion to the total supply, and the amount of profit that was in the profitContainer contract at the start of lock period.
Therefore, if we assume that there are 1,000 total tokens, and a token holder owns 10 tokens (amounting to 1% ownership), and at the start of the current locking period, there was an exact balance of 100 ETH, when this token holder redeems their profits, they will receive 1% of the profits, or 1 ETH.
We will achieve the objectives listed above with the following architecture:
● Manual Coin Locking
a) Each token holder gets an amount of token proportional to the ETH they
deposit into the Crowdsale (ICO), in the ratio of:
- Week 1 = 1 : 130
- Week 2 = 1 : 120
- Weeks 3 & 4 = 1 : 100
4. Analysis
b) The profit from vDice is sent to the token contract and is accumulated in its balance.
c) The token contract can be in any one of these two states:
i. Unlocked: tokens are freely transferable, and profit cannot be withdrawn during this period of time. The length of unlocked time period will be decided at contract
deployment: e.g 3 weeks.
ii. Locked: tokens cannot be transferred. Each token holder can withdraw their profit share only during this period of time. The profits which are not collected can be sent/withdrawn to the wallet contract. The length of the locked time period should be decided at contract deployment: e.g 1 week.