Later it turned out there was no dev team - the source code was a straight clone. There were no anonymity features at all.
The dev then claimed the anonymity part was closed source and secret. People realised they were being tricked. For one thing, you can’t have a closed source coin. Nobody would ever use it because there’s no way of trusting it.
The dev then got desperate and claimed the release of the “anonymity” would be in 8 days rather than the original 4 weeks and set up an 8-day counter URL to get people excited. Then he dumped the 2% premine on bittrex and ran off with everyone’s money. The price fell from 3000 sats to 18 sats. Investors all lost everything.
Even at that point he was still posting that the premine was intact.
Then he wrote a message saying it was ANOTHER dev who stole the premine.
But there were no other devs, there’s not a single line of code ever been written on this coin. Please check the source code.
Not a single bit of technical design ever been done.
This was all only yesterday.
Then the main vootcoin thread showing everyone being ripped off was hidden and a new thread started, this one. The aim was to convince people to buy into the coin again!
The dev who stole everyone’s money then said something similar to this:
“Hey everyone please start buying the coin again! I’ve given the control to another dev, honest!. And I’ve given him 10 bitcoins I stole to make the anonymity. Please trust me and put more money into the coin”
There was never any anonymity code, clearly the guy who stole everyones money didn’t give 10 btc to the person claiming to be the new developer. Why would he?
It’s more bullshit to make it seem like anonymity is really on its way so more coins can be dumped. Please note that the original dev has an unknown number of pre mined coins left.
Don’t take my word for any of this.
Please read this thread exposing the fraud:
And here is the original coin thread which was hidden yesterday, chronicling the whole fraud as it unfolded:
You don't practice backreading threads, don't you?