Quick update on the fund for the MN State Fair. Big shout out to ScottAllyn for making a second contribution and bringing the amount raised to 4,710 VRC!!
My initial thoughts on the day would be that we would be able to help users download the VRC wallet, use a QR code and just send xx amount of VRC directly to their smart phones. The reality is, I'm not sure if this is going to be the best use of our time, given the fact for a new crypto user this can take anywhere from 3-5 minutes and even then they won't fully understand what's going on.
So on that note, this has already been suggested but to just use paper wallets that perhaps can have VRC website on the back and possibly a link to some helpful information on how to use the coin.
Would anyone be able to design a card like this. That perhaps could have like a 3-4 step process on how to receive money.
Step 1. Visit
www.example.comStep 2. Download Vericoin Wallet
Step 3.
Step 4. Profit
I'm not sure I would do it that way. I think getting them using the mobile wallet will be a more productive use of time. Get them using the coin while they are still interested. Let them see and feel the buzz while it's fresh in their mind. If you give them paper wallets, the chances are they will go home and not bother to do anything, it will be a very small amount anyway so the incentive is not really there.
Also how will you verify that someone has genuine interest, enough that warrants a paper wallet. I imagine you wouldn't hand them out like flyers but talk to them when they enter the booth. Where as if you ask them to download the wallet they have to commit to it before any Vericoins have been sent. If your the booth becomes busy we could have some instructions prepared on how to download the wallet. That way people can download the wallet by themselves and then come to you to get their coins. Ultimately it's your call mate!
Also I'm not sure if you have started preparing on how to sell this to people yet but check out
Simon Sinek's TED talk about how successful business' sell. It's awesome and I suggest we market Vericoin using this structure.