To be fair, I don't think yourstruly has ever implied that they respect VRC, but just because you don't like the tone of the posts they make, doesn't mean to say the content should be entirely ignored.
Going by their post history, one thing struck me as extremely pertinent, that dev teams should not be announcing project milestone due dates because, as we have all seen repeatedly, these are used by market speculators to push the price all over the place and whenever issues arise that might push back the release of an expected feature, we have people screaming FUD about how the whole project is falling apart.
Coin projects should discuss short, medium and long-term development plans and leave it at that. It'll make it so much harder for the speculators to screw with the price and, hopefully, would result in far less meme-filled threads going spastic with 'moon' and 'dump it' vapid nonsense.
I agree with you that on the announcing projects thing. I think that it catered to the pumpers and then some of the investors that got pulled in along the way are now being hurt, as well as the day traders who didn't get out quick enough, they had a bad couple weeks.
But please, I will never agree with you that the lady has a ounce of decency. Never selfless, always self promoting. Never once do they go and compliment anything that does not benefit themselves. They where given a gift from the devs for stating the obvious and the lady spit in the communities face, and then threatened, and attacked the developers.
If you read the posts you can see the true intention beam through. Attack any coin unrelated to what they invest in. And right there she lies about being invested in other coins. Because they would be out pumping them to. They only pump 1 coin, with 1 affiliation to the BC marketplace that person is developing.
Every other post is trashing a coin, from XC, to this one and many others before. Anything that is competing for her business in her eyes she goes on the offensive. I am developing a business to, I see it in many coins I cover, this same person with the same tactic. I actually have to avoid doing business with BC properties because I fear i'm already starting to dislike the whole community because of this one persons actions.