I'm new around here so I probably missed the hype that has ppl in an uproar about this new wallet, but aren't we talking about a coin that's only a month and a half old here?! It's unfortunate that the target was missed but it's not like this is a deadline that was going to make or break the coin. If it happened habitually that'd be one thing, but once in a rare while is completely understandable, particularly since for most of us, cryptocurrency isn't our first job.
Throughout the day not a shred of doubt it would be done. And then it was not. That is the only issue.
IMO Developers could to air on the side of caution rather than telling everyone its going to be out x day and then no word until the deadline passes. All day yesterday people on twitter had the chance to temper down expectations. Instead, they kept getting increased.
The roadmap said these would be released before if all work was done. So, all the hype that went into it, and not 1 bit of a heads up things might not be released that day. I mean why not come out and say, issues are happening, our devs could really use the extra 24 hours to put out a premium wallet.
Trust is very important in the crypto community.
I think we've all been bitten too often by scam coins to the point of becoming paranoid. Vericoin development's track record has been very good thus far. I got in late solely because I was seeing a lot of "too good to be true" but even I was sold on it. I think the least we can do is give them a bit of latitude with one missed target and some undercommunicating. Those issues can easily be corrected in the future.
Obviously though, if a month from now, the wallet still has never been released, I'll be singing a different tune, but that's a whole different problem by that point.
You know, you are probably right. A majority of people, probably those from the penny stock community have a fair bit of skepticism. Usually when something is to good to be true it is.
Thats why words scare me so much. It actually turns me off if I would be trading this right now.
Actions at the end of the day are ALL that matter.
Release the features, and then talk about it is the way I would want to do it if I had a really innovative product. The more time you talk about, and not do it gives the competition time to beat you to market.
As of now we have words. And no features in a wallet. Now do I believe its not coming or you all been scammed? Not in the least. I got a lot of intellectual property in this coin that I am not going anywhere soon. What I do believe is now others are competing to put out similar products. Any further delays could see us being second to market, which would be a disaster at this point considering we could have kept quite and done this under the radar while others went on oblivious to the awesome things happening.
Just think about it. Rely on actions, not words my friends. Today is a big day!