cleared to save space
Sorry but first, I don't believe it is right to keeping the discussion on this board any longer. This is the VRC board.
But since it has been forced into it -a non-moderated one, therefore it cannot be deleted,
as opposed to that of NEM, I'd ask that you refrain from quoting the whole pamphlet in potential answers.
I will answer you though: There's no comparison. On many counts.
First and foremost, VRC is a coin easy to "get", perhaps even conventional in many of its main aspects. Yours, on the other hand, requires hours of deep study to even come remotely close of grasping the concept, let alone its working ons. That thing cannot ever be successful, out of its complexity, if you would actually pay good money to people to even contemplate it. Even for geeks, it would be a pain in the butt. Imagine for the "normal" population.. That would be exhibit A.
Exhibit B and C would be the self-moderated condition of your thread and the anonymity of your many developers. Vericoin has already established a standard in both those departments and, quite frankly, from my standpoint, no individual with the most elemental common sense would go back and consider, ever, investing in a coin that doesn't meet those standards. I hope and believe that it will be precisely the case from now on. You want to deal in crypto, take down the mask, first, be totally transparent AND allow absolutely non-censored criticism, no if no buts. Or you won't have a business. Simple enough, fair enough in my book. They are doing quite fine with this new standard, so could you. There's no possible arguments.
For those exhibits/considerations, I submit that Vericoin is quite superior indeed to that other coin of yours and the other one we mentioned before. Quite.