The Mac wallet has a bug where it tries to generate interest too often. You're still getting the right amount, it's just going to make some unconfirmed ones too. We're looking into it.
Our association with BlackHand is that BlackHand owns some VeriCoin. I'm not sure what the problem is. What should I do? Hard fork and block their addresses? Are you serious?
Isn't Wizfarm a part of this group? Did he not have a very large influence so far on the development of Vericoin? Did he not fund the tldr; deal? Did he not fund the Veribit buffer?
So much for transparency and telling the truth
I don't know the intricacies of Black Hand or Wiz, but I do know Wiz donated his personal money into a long term project (funding a PR agency and Chris Pirillo) which he wouldn't have done if he was trying to pump and dump.
Wiz and the rest have no say whatsoever about the development of the coin and they don't have access to the sourcecode, website, etc. They are free to promote and buy whatever coin they choose to. Wiz is doing a good job promoting the coin. That's what it is. He is not influencing the development of VeriCoin. He did not fund the VeriBit buffer.
As I posted on THE WALL OF SHAME, confirmation, on every regard, has come quickly enough. The Black Hand has used the exact same footprint and "modus operandi" already in Vericoin as they used -and continue using- in Blackcoin. Blackcoin is actually more or less done for averyone knows by know the money will eventually be squeezed from them fully, little bits at a time, all the way to the end. But The Black Hand has made a killing in BC and, obviously, is branching out. Vericoin is, of course, a new field where they envision similar profits or even higher than those they reaped on Blackcoin.
Patrick, I know you have read everything I have written about The Black Hand. I know you are not ignorant. And I know that you know, in the real world, this kind of behavior sends you to jail, despite any claims you may propose of ignorance as to their motives and actual involvement. Let me put it to you in plain English so you cannot keep on pretending to not understand: It is perfectly ok, and unavoidable, that The Black Hand or any other organized groups, would attempt to manipulate the market of Vericoin. Nothing, really that you can -or should- do about it. The problem is that you are PART AND PARCEL of the scheme by allowing them not just co-operation but full access to inside information. If Joel Bosch "helps" you broker a deal with a PR firm, you surely know that he helped, similarly, broker the deal with Blackcoin/Morituri13/Dognip for the PR firm also. And you know, because you have read, the specific and quite detailed charges made on not just that but overall Bosch's and Morituri13/dognip implications. By accepting their "brokerage" you are, in fact, sanctioning The Black Hand's access to inside information in Vericoin, exactly the opposite of what a new, promising coin with a clean reputation, should be doing which is rejecting ANY and ALL relationship with a coin, and organized crime group and some shady specific individuals whose antics have been detailed widely all over these forums, including the first, unmoderated one of them. Same thing applies to the "little game" you share with Yevgeniy and StGNU.
In other words Patrick, tempting as it obviously is -and quite profitable your dumping of last night-, you cannot handle shit and pretend to avoid the stink.
Of course for so many investors in Vericoin the rush of last night would be like a drug they just cannot leave in hopes for a repeat so they will be the ones dumping near the top rather than being left holding the bag, like it already happened. Well, up to you gents, but be aware that you are playing with the bulls now, swimming with the sharks. And you WILL get the horns.
What a shameful pity, only made worse by the clumsy and absurd attempts at denial...
Added: And now, get ready for the full Black Hand croonies army starting with the ad hominens to dilute the potential effects. Bring it on!