Co-Creator Douglas Pike (effectsToCause) Explaining the benefits of the Binary-Chain technology:---------------------------------------------------------------------
Development Roadmap V1:---------------------------------------------------------------------
Verium VeriCoin Swap fund distribution (result of community vote):-50% Stake endowment fund: Coins will never be spent, just interest from staking used in-perpetuity for infrastructure costs
-20% Development (One new dev on board so far adding communication/app layer to chain)
-20% Marketing and Design (Blue Lynx Marketing hired for Marketing Overhaul e.g. New website and more to come)
-10% Third party partnerships (partnership to create social media app underway)
Variable block time:* It automatically addresses the scalability issue BTC has.
* It increases blockchain performance with security.
* It softens the difficulty mechanism without loss of security, so that mining power can grow more efficiently and organically.
* Rewards in minutes per mining between blocks enables more profitability of mining that is dependent on power and time burning electric.
* A decreasing reward as the blockchain speeds, incentivizes a balance of efficiency and power, while reducing new supply based on demand.
* ASIC and GPU inefficient and resistant due to memory latency.
So as a standalone PoW it will be one of the best and most innovative approaches to PoW.
Benefits to VeriCoin:-High fees of Verium enable secure mining in PoW
-Low fees enable a valuable currency, this is possible in PoS because it's nearly costless to stake
-As Verium blocktime increases auxillary mining of VRC blocks will speed VeriCoin transaction times up to 20 seconds and possibly faster while further decentralizing the consensus across two chains
So in short you get more security, faster transaction times and lower fees in VeriCoin the currency through Verium the reserve commodity.
This makes VeriCoin a more valuable currency.
Pools:Poolinat0r (larger miners >= 1kh/m) Admin: @Testbug on slackPoolinat0r2(smaller miners < 1kh/m)Admin: @Testbug on slackBlockster (vardiff ports) Admin: @Seion on slackPool Sloth (vardiff ports) Admin: @Senicar on slackVRM Mining-Pool (vardiff ports) Admin: @Mderasse on slackPoolium (vardiff ports) Admin: @Trinitrotoluene on slackVerium Blackjack:ANNSiteVeriumReserve Lottery:SiteSwap (VRM/VRC):LivecoinExchange (VRM/BTC):BittrexCryptotopiaLivecoinSpecifications:Proof of Work-Time: Difficulty dependent blocktime (Max ~6.2 minutes, minimum 15 seconds)
Rewards: Blocktime dependent rewards (~Reward halving every minute decrease in blocktime till 10x VRC supply parity, then variable ~3% disinflation)
Algo: scrypt² (N of 1024² or 128MB per thread)
Block 1: 564,705 VRM minted for ICO participants who purchased VRM using VRC
Minimum Transaction Fee: 0.2 VRM (High commodity transaction fee paid to miners)
RPC Port: 33987, P2Port: 36988
Confirmations: 30, Maturity: 100
btc12.com QQ Group: 108972650
More details:
http://www.vericoin.info/ || VRC Bitcointalk Forum:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annvrc-vericoin-proof-of-stake-time-currency-new-roadmap-released-602041 || Official Forum: