Feel free to Post an ANN there as we work to get more users
thanks, we will do
Some last minute info
As you know or not, chain stuck 4 days so
hi @everyone we have solved the issue, basically the issue was: we ordered the coin to X owner of exchange X, we code simple coins but never masternodes, so wanted a well done and safe network. Due te massive amount o f coins on exchange, and not being mined the coin for a 6 h period, the block =chain stuck. We've requested for help, to mr X, he wanted money , and offering a very complicated solution that would require the regression to POW. During this period we'v e made our research, and found the solution by excellence. we can not stay pending to go back to pow every time there is any boby staking, We have compiled an emergency wallet for developers use that with it characteristics, allow us to resynch the wallet any time,, it happen again
NEW NODES ADDED, PLEASE UPDATE https://github.com/extra-byte/extrabyte/blob/master/src/miner.cpp