Any news on updated versions of the wallets as the coin could do with some positive news? There have been a lot of posts in this thread about syncing issues so a bug fixing release would be good. I'm sure it was on the roadmap a few weeks ago.
I spoke to our core developer yesterday and he has been preoccupied with other stuff lately but he said that he'll have time to do some work in a few weeks. Slice sharing optimization is still at the top of the list. I will also try to release a web wallet with full client side encryption some time within the next few weeks.
Also I'm using the QT client on win7 and I've noticed that the GUI does not give options for withdrawal limits and purging the database, which is a shame as having these features in the GUI would show them off to new users. No point in hiding innovative features in the command line especially for us windows users :-)
It all really depends whether or not we keep supporting qt. Most of the sync problems are isolated to qt and it's very difficult to add new features and make changes to qt because it's not a simple rpc wallet. The web wallet supports withdrawal limits and many other things that qt does not support if you really want a GUI for all those advanced features.
Could we add a paper wallet generator to the roadmap? Some sort of bitaddress clone. It's not a big deal but a useful part of any coins ecosystem.
Yes I will probably do that after I finish the web wallet with full client side encryption because I'll have to write a lot of the same javascript for both projects.
I was reading about account pruning and my understanding is that it isn't implemented yet and it's more of a long term project. I have an idea for how to make account pruning possible in the future for accounts which haven't been touched for along time to deal with coins in lost wallets.
'lasttransactionblock' would be a new variable for each account to record the last time the account sent or received a transaction. Miners would need to update the field for both sender and receiver for every transaction to the current block.
This can then be used later to prune addresses with no transactions for say 5 years to top up the coinbase account to pay miners rewards. So the inevitable lost coins can be used to pay for security without adding inflation or high transaction fees.
Obviously this new variable would need a hard fork as all the nodes would need to agree on it but this can be added to any future hard forks with important changes to address other issues such as mining pools.
There is already a field like that which tells you when the address was last used. But it's much more complicated than you assume, we probably spent hours discussing this topic. For a start if you allow received coins to update that field then people could prevent old accounts from being pruned just by sending a small amount of coins to that address. 5 years is also much too short, someone with a long term savings account might not know how old addresses are pruned and lose all their money. 20 years is probably the minimum but I know from experience that people will demand to make it 50 or 100 years just to ease their fears. And if you have dust sitting around in the account tree for 50 years before it gets pruned it's kind of a dumb solution because we could be dead before it even starts working. That is one reason we started to think about a system where fees were periodically charged to all addresses in the account tree, that way small balance accounts wouldn't hang around a long time but large balance accounts would. However there are even more issues involved with that approach when you start thinking deeply about it.