I reread the original NXT thread and I think one of the key reasons the price of NXT did so well was that immediately after genesis block, a market price of 1BTC per million NXT was established. This was a big premium over genesis price.
I think I saw some price for XCP at .01 BTC on some external site, I like the sounds of that for a starting market price.
If we can all be firm and not sell for below .01 BTC, then that will be the new price.
Someone needs to purchase XCP at .01BTC, I would but I burned all my spare BTC
Any buyer and seller to start the after-burn XCP trade market at .01BTC?
Establishing some kind of cartel like NXT is not sane (and I don't believe it's doable with so much XCP holders)
Actually, if I've burend some BTC, it's because of the fairness of the initial ditribution and excluded the idea of some happy few shareholders.
Now, if you you want to make a quick buck, you're welcome to try, It's a free market at last. But if I were you I'd wait at least the GUI.
Hey, I'm not selling any XCP for a while, maybe a long while. I am just trying to establish what a fair market value is. .01 BTC puts XCP at approx 50% mastercoin valuation.
Maybe some XCP holders didn't know this, I didn't realize the huge disparity in valuation until I looked it up.
If all XCP holders know the actual value of what they have, then it is much less likely for a crazy speculative bubble to form. Granted this links XCP value to mastercoin, but that seemed to be the closest reference point. Gotta start somewhere.
P.S. I own a larger percentage of XCP than NXT, so I am fully motivated to help XCP values increase.