Need more guidance on how to actually use the bet/feed system.
What I think I'm trying to do:
Enter a bet from 1Fz5idgemYfsszRMmaQNd2Anvm2JytAoU (my XCP account) to feed 1QBPsB2ea61vWTNA9nGUhaHqPQB4SXF4fN (super bowl feed) to bet 1 XCP that Denver (2) will win at or before block 290000 (random estimate in future).
What I entered:
C:\counterpartyd>python bet --from 1Fz5idgemYfsszRMmaQNd2Anvm2J
ytAoU --feed-address 1QBPsB2ea61vWTNA9nGUhaHqPQB4SXF4fN --bet-type Equal --deadl
ine 290000 --wager 1 --counterwager 1 --target-value 2 --expiration 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 564, in
deadline = round(datetime.timestamp(dateutil.parser.parse(args.deadline)))
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'timestamp'
Don't know what to put in expiration because anything is giving me errors.
That error message sure isn't very helpful! The problem is that deadlines are specified in actual times, not block numbers, and moreover in human-readable formats, such as 'Mon Feb 3 10:00:00 UTC 2014'. (I actually haven't figured out myself exactly what datetime will accept, yet... it won't take Unix time, for no reason.)
The expiration is the maximum number of blocks that you want your bet to be available to be matched for.