Don't you think it's a bit rush to launch the coin ? mac wallet not ready/ most ppl don't have txindex=1 and having to reindex and it may take a few days/ etc, creating the situation to have somebody to burn on behalf of somebody. It sounds like an unfair launch.
How about shifting the launch period for another 7 days, make sure everything is ready, ppl who already burnt the coin will get the reward as if it's burnt in the first day.
If we shift the launch period, what about the people who have already contributed? What does that say about fairness, as well as the trust that the community has in the Counterparty team to not shift any requirements, unless absolutely necessary (e.g. major security bug, or some other totally blocking issue), AND, if done, do so in a way that preserves existing stakeholders. Shifting the window would be a major fail on both of those fronts.
The fact is, you guys are not losing out, so don't worry. We are barely three days out from launch, and the bonus is still quite close to the 1500 mark. Also, there now exists a way to burn coins without requiring counterpartyd or any extra software, and documentation is available for burning via (which anyone can do). For instructions on that, see: you are uncomfortable doing any of that, we have a well known and trusted member that will be buying and escrowing XCP on others behalf. I'd rather he announce it when he's ready, but it should be in a day or two.
Regarding the Mac wallet, I will try to make that a priority this week, but given that you can burn without a wallet/counterpartyd (or will soon be able to have someone burn for you), it is much less of an issue, IMO.
Leo: I will respond to your issue shortly (I think I know the problem now, it's an easy one). The build system was working, but we had an unexpected backend library dependency release that broke it. I have modified it to be fixed to a specific version so that shouldn't happen again. This was all done within a day of it being discovered. We are doing our best to be responsive to the community and trying to give everyone a fair chance.