I added the ALTERNATIVE MINER method.
Please try and tell me if it work for you. Report if it is faster or not.
New command lines for simpleminer and minerd
simpleminer :
C:\path_to_simpleminer\simpleminer.exe --pool-addr=monero.crypto-pool.fr:1111 --login=your_address_here --pass x
minerd :
C:\path_to_minerd\minerd.exe -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://monero.crypto-pool.fr:6666 -u your_monero_address -t number_of_thread
I'm having a problem with minerd.exe and have also tried cryptonote miner.
simpleminer seems to work fine.
minerd.exe opened with the correct .bat in the same folder gives a "HTTP request failed" and "json_rpc_call failed".
running the .bat edited just as in your tutorial with my address and threads specifies opens a window that immediately closes.
cryptonoteminer seems to work, slowly, but between reports of really low hashes and speeds from each thread I get this error every 30 seconds or so: "Stratum connection failed. Could not resolve host stratum+tcp"