I don't advise making a company that does anything unethical. Unfortunately, the law and ethics do not overlap very much. Almost all regulations are there to entrench powers, not to ensure ethics. Bitcoin provides an opportunity to work around this problem by making anonymous companies. Silk Road is an example of this. They have established what a successful business anonymously. This is possible because payments are made with bitcoins. This would obviously not be possible with credit cards, where the identities of everyone involved would be seen by third parties.
Thus, we see that bitcoin has solved the most important remaining problem preventing anonymous companies: payments can now be made anonymously (or at least pseudonymously) over the internet. This is huge. Go back and think of all those business ideas you had, but didn't do, because they were illegal. They are now made possible with bitcoin. Again, I don't advise anyone do anything unethical - just illegal. Take patents, for example. They are a ludicrous regulation that shouldn't exist. So ignore them. Just make your business anonymous, and no one can enforce the patent on you. You will be immune.
I believe it will become mainstream to create anonymous companies, insofar as that is necessary to avoid corrupt regulations. It is only a matter of having the relevant technologies in place, and bitcoin is probably the most significant advance along this front in recent history. The success of Silk Road is evidence that all the relevant technologies are now in place. Being able to ignore regulations is an enormous advance. Everything will be cheaper and rate of innovation will accelerate. Anonymous or pseudonymous companies are the future. The economic pressure for this just means it is a question if how fast this happens, not if. It will be anarchy. In a good way.
+1 -> See:
Bitcoin: A New Commodity Created To Serve Market Demand