What you're writing is simply delusional. Fact is that all the Gavinista bigblock-altcoin schemes failed miserably. The community chose to stay with the original, decentralized Bitcoin. And progress with Core development shows it was a smart choice.
you do realise that MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 2000000;
is actually bitcoin-core (with segwit) version that allows 2mb base blocks.
MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE is a variable utilized by
its got nothing to do with "gavinista" it has nothing to do with "big blocks" because the funny part is that "serialized" blocksize of bitcoin-core is 4mb..
here i will explain it in english
gavinista's want 2mb of total data..
core wants 4mb total data, but only 1mb baseblocks which means traditional transactions(old privkeys) are limited to the 1mb base block. and the other 3mb is for signatures of new style privkeys.
however MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 2000000; is still cores deemed safe 4mb bloat of total relay data but with 2mb base block size to allow those that dont want to use the new privkeys, to have extra buffer within the main block.
as for you saying that you are ignoring MULTIPLE different bitcoin implementations that exist currently and instead choose to go in the single direction of just one corporation.. because some how you think core is more decentralized than 12 other implementations (bitcoinj, bitcoin ruby, bitcoinBU, etc etc) is your delusion. and your misunderstanding of decentralization
anyway, ill digress and will ask you the same question other "streamers" are avoiding answering..
when luke JR, a bitcoin core dev releases a bitcoin-core version (with segwit) of MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 2000000;
will you accept that the controversy is over and that decentralized choice can be regained and that core then gets back to being on a level playing ground of open choice of many implementations from many sources all offering 2mb instead of dictator control of one source trying to prevent expansion of the main(base) block buffer.
will you be part of a REKT campaign to push luke JR under the bus and get him removed from the main bitcoin github because you prefer the dictatorship preventing the expansion of the main(base) block buffer
all i really need to know and have you reply to is
1. "yes i will support MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 2000000; but only if there are no 'trojan'/bugs added elsewhere in the code"
2. "no i wont support MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 2000000; and will REKT Luke JR because its not the direction i want bitcoin to go in"
i have even numbered it to help you stay on point and reply with least effort and cost to your time.