Think about what you just said.
Hm, let me try to find your objective here. You want me to desire an alternative here. It seems you want me to desire, period.
I don't desire, joint. I accept and act as I will.
Do you feel ordered inside or chaotic inside? That's what I'm getting at.
Chaotic is a good term. Anxiety is the most accurate. It's how I've always been.
Let me take a stab at this.
Premise 1) You like chaos
Premise 2) You feel chaotic/anxious
Premise 3) People seem to like that with which they are familiar, or that which they can identify with.
In contrast, I think most people like order. They like the feeling of control and security that comes with the sense that there is order in their lives. If you are wondering why Matthew and others "attack" you, I suggest you try to step outside of yourself and view your posts as much as possible from an unbiased perspective.
There's no question that you're intelligent inasmuch as you can toss around complex abstract models in your head and play fun games with them. But, how intelligent is a person if they can't be happy?
To get to the point, I think you're familiar with chaos, so you project chaos, and so people are turned off by it because they can sense the chaotic side of you. I also think that while you're familiar with chaos, you want order as evidenced by the sheer number of questions that you ask. This thread is an example of that. If I recall, you were "curious" to know Matthew's justification, and that it would be pleasing to you to receive an answer. Seems like a self-conflict to me, i.e. asking questions that require ordered answers while conversely saying that you like chaos and confirming that you identify with chaos.